What's the skinny on unzipping the glass?


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Jan 14, 2013
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My Car
1973 Convertible 351c 2V
I just recently bought a '73 convertible, and it will be in storage until teh warmer months.

I have heard conflicting stories about the importance of unzipping the rear window (mine is glass) when putting the top down.

I was standing there with the seller, talking about the procedure for lowering the top, when the owner of teh consignment shop said "don't forget to unzip the window. It may break under pressure if you don't unzip it."

The seller just said, "I never unzip it, and it seems fine."

So what's the real scoop?

I've never unzipped mine. It's a 25+ year old top. I would be afraid it wouldn't zip back up again.

Up to 1970 Mustangs you had to unzip the panel with the glass or you were likely to break it. The 1971 - 3 Mustangs (and Cougars) were the first where you did not have to unzip the glass panel while dropping the top.

One reason a number of folks back in the day switched to plastic (aside from price) was that you did not have to unzip the panel. Of course you were unable to see through the plastic after about a year, but that's a different story. My 69 convertible has the silicone folding seam in the middle of the glass. You need to fold the glass in half so it will fit into the well liner.

If you do want to unzip it, raise the top partially to take the tension off it -- same for zipping it back in place.

Up to 1970 Mustangs you had to unzip the panel with the glass or you were likely to break it. The 1971 - 3 Mustangs (and Cougars) were the first where you did not have to unzip the glass panel while dropping the top.

One reason a number of folks back in the day switched to plastic (aside from price) was that you did not have to unzip the panel. Of course you were unable to see through the plastic after about a year, but that's a different story. My 69 convertible has the silicone folding seam in the middle of the glass. You need to fold the glass in half so it will fit into the well liner.

If you do want to unzip it, raise the top partially to take the tension off it -- same for zipping it back in place.
Thanks Bill! That's good news! I don't think I would have the patience for that.

I've never unzipped mine, and doubt that I ever will. I wouldn't worry about it one bit.
Nope... not gonna say it. rofl
So I was going to advise not "unzipping" because back in the day someone in the backseat of my 64 Galaxie convertible "unzipped" it, but left it on the assist straps and it broke as the top went down! But now I think it would be better to just say "leave it zipped up". :blush:

Man, you guys kill me! :p
I have owned Mustang convertibles since 1971....no need to unzip!

I'll join in; I've owned my 73 convertible since 74 and have never needed to unzip the window to lower the top. I unzipped it a couple of times back in the 70's for added ventilation when it was to hot to have the top down.

I unzip my rear glass in summer on freeway trips. when top is up on freeway, interior fills up with air and balloons your top. feel it raise off the bow when you drive, then crack your side window down,the top will pull down. this prevents stretching out your top. when your back window is down it seems quieter around the side windows while giving a nice pulling breeze

Man, you guys kill me! :p
Yeah it's tough on me to keep this thread clean, but I will say be careful the first time cause if you make a mistake you will remember it the rest of your life

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