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7173 Mustang Supporter Member
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
parkway1.jpgJust a quick hello. All is good on this end, car is doing awesome. 70 progress is slow, weather sucks, work sucks, but life is good.

Looks like a lot of things have changed and some stay the same.

Just a quick hello. All is good on this end, car is doing awesome. 70 progress is slow, weather sucks, work sucks, but life is good.

Looks like a lot of things have changed and some stay the same.

Holy crap !!!! How the heck are you ? I thought we'd heard the last of you. Good to know your still around & doing o.k. There was a rumor after your goodbye post you sold your car . Glad to hear you & your car are still alive and ticking. We've missed you here! Happy 4th!


Im very Glad you touched base with us Roy, You are missed here. I miss all the funny post you put up. Great to hear from you. Dennis

Hi Roy, glad you checked-in. I hope Stacey is doing well too. Looks like you are still our number 1 poster even though you have been gone a while. Stick around and join in the fun.

Great to hear from you, Roy. We are heading to TN the third week of August. Maybe we can meet.

Great to hear from you, Roy. We are heading to TN the third week of August. Maybe we can meet.
Would probably be best to email him in case he doesn't log back in for a while. An email link should be on his profile page. Good job in trying to meet up!
