would like your opinion on a family matter)..children


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Well-known member
May 30, 2012
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Sunnyvale, CA
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1968 Coupe: 393w, TKO-600, Maier Racing springs, Global West suspension, Currie 9in with forged axles, 3.50 gears, Trutrac, Baer brakes front/rear
1973 Mach-1: 351c 4V, C-6, 3.73:1 gears and a long "To Do" list..
From the many posts I have read, it seems like a lot of you have families, and that is where my question lies. I am married and have one child, my son. My wife has been sending me obvious signals as to expanding our family but I'm happy with my son and couldn't imagine loving another child as much as I do my son.

For those of you that have kid (or just one), what is your opinion of having one child or more than one.

This is a bit more serious than your standard "what are your favorite cruise tunes" but I have been given pretty good info on here in the past and would like your opinions if you are willing to share.. Thanks


Lots of "Blanks" to fill in...When you state "Your Son" instead of Our Son, does this indicate the child is from a previous marriage/relationship?...What is your age & wife's?...how long together?, does your wife work & in what capacity?, is your current financial situation capable of providing for another child?, Do you or your wife have health insurance?, do you own your own home?, what is your current debt amount?, etc,etc,etc....Waaaaaaaaaaay TOO MANY variables to consider with the limited info you have provided....Mark

cazsper... I'm in a unique position to answer your question. I have been married twice, first marriage we had one child, a beautiful daughter. My second marriage we had two kids, a daughter then a son. Try to think of it this way, if you have another child, that is the best gift you can give to your first child . I'm 50 now and I could not imagine my life without my brothers. My Second daughter loves her brother soooo much, even though he can be a pain to her at times. She could not imagine her life without him. Give your son a sibling... you (and he) will always be grateful. We would have had more kids if I wasn't so damn old...

Sorry.. we have been married for about 4 1/2 years, I am 41 and she is 37. We are both healthy, I am retired military and she is a nurse in the california bay area (makes good money). My son is 2. This is our first child.

Sorry.. we have been married for about 4 1/2 years, I am 41 and she is 37. We are both healthy, I am retired military and she is a nurse in the california bay area (makes good money). My son is 2. This is our first child.
Go for it! I have 4 kids and life is a blast. The kids play well together and we can fill the roller coaster train with no one left behind!

Pete nailed it with his post. Both you and your son will love the outcome. I am 42 and have 6 kids. I can't imagine life without any of them now...plus they keep me young at heart. I wouldnt mind having 6 more but would need to buy a bigger house and several more mustangs to fix up for them. ;)

I have three daughters and bill cosby said it best "a parent with only one child is missing a lot like if something gets broke, you know who did it". All jokes aside, there is nothing on earth like sibling relationships. To me an only child would be a lonely life. Watching your children growing up together is priceless. There will be bad times but the good is far more numerous. In my opinion you should set down with your wife and have an open minded discussion on the family future, listen to her side, and think about it...ask her to do the same. And above all, do NOT be selfish of yourself, all women have a desire to create life and for some it is as important as her own.

I understand your feelings -- after my first son I thought how can it get better, I am glad we grew to five boys and can not imagine what life would be like without the rest.

photo (7).JPGI have two kids (teenagers now) boy and girl and I could not imagine having just one now. We never discussed having a third as my wife went back to work so we could afford to spoil them a little. You do have to consider the costs down the road like college but my wife was as single child and while she may be more independent she probably would have liked to have a sister or brother.
I have 2 boys 12 and 14 and I couldn't imagine life without them. They truly bring joy into my life (along with a few grey hairs) Having two was not my intent, but I am so glad it worked out that way. I grew up with a brother and a sister- I can't imagine not having either.

The more you have the better your chances someone will take care of you when you are old.

All joking aside. I learned a lot of my life skills having a brother an sister. Fighting, Negotiating,sharing and waiting come to mind. Understanding that every thing isn't about 'you' like when your brother/sister have a birthday and you get nothing.

Only one kid here we adopted at birth 4 years ago and personally I am good with one. She is a handful generally speaking and most people we know have told us things went south the more kids they got. Not that they regret it in anyway but life is alot harder to keep up with. I say get a dog they end up being just like a kid most of the time anyway. At least ours is.

1 stepson and 1 son of my own. I'm currently the only source of income. We're in our late 30s, we're happy, and yes, we're pretty much done having kids, lol. :p

Thank you everyone. I appreciate your time. It sounds like my wife and I have something to discuss.

Proud father of a 17 year old son, my wife and I tried for another child but as such things happens she had a miscarriage , we tried for the second child until we had both hit 40 and then said enough. I know my son would have loved to have been a "big brother" but at the same time I'm sure that he has also loved having all of his parents, and grandparents attention.
