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  1. Big Red Mach 1

    Free Beware of these scammers in here.

    Users johnwort, joecastoire, and kennedyronnie34 are scammers and will message you about parts you are looking for and will give you a gmail address to reach out to.
  2. Big Red Mach 1

    Parts Wanted Center gauge pod harness

    Need a harness for the center gauge pods. PO broke one of the light sockets and used duct tape to hold it back in. Probably worked - for a while. LOL.
  3. Big Red Mach 1

    Parts Wanted Fuel gauge

    Need a fuel gauge for my 73. Please let me know what you've got. Thanks!
  4. Big Red Mach 1

    Brake Booster Firewall Gasket

    Unsurprisingly they don't survive removal at 50 years old. No one re-pops them. Don at WCCC says on 71-73 model years "they aren't needed". But they were there which tells me they are at minimum a good idea. What's everyones thoughts? I have some Fel-Pro gasket material lying around in sheet...
  5. Big Red Mach 1

    Who makes the better printed circuits?

    Classic Industires sells the Blue Oval brand. Kentucky Mustang claims that they make their own. There are even some on eBay made in Taiwan that claim to have thicker circuit paths and contact points. Just want to make sure I'm buying...
  6. Big Red Mach 1

    Which Rear Axle Bearings and Seals?

    I need to replace the rear axle bearings on my 9" and I see that there are a couple of sizes/styles of bearings and seals out there. What am I looking for on my 73 so I can make sure I've got the right parts ordered ahead of time? Thanks!!
  7. Big Red Mach 1

    First one gone at Mecum today. She went low. $17,600.
  8. Big Red Mach 1

    Loctite on curb idle screw

    My curb idle screw keeps backing off when driving. Aside from lower than optimal idle, it also gets my adjustment to my acc pump linkage out of whack. I'm thinking of putting a drop of the non-permanent Locktite on the screw once I get it reset, but before I do I was wondering if anyone else had...
  9. Big Red Mach 1

    Am I the only one that strongly dislikes these fender emblems?

    I've never liked them. 71-72 Mach owners lucked out in my opinion and dodged getting these. If anyone has ever swapped these out, show me what you did and then I'll show you where I'm going.
  10. Big Red Mach 1

    Removing Deluxe Interior Door Panels

    Anything in particular to watch out for? All this 50 year old stuff can be pretty brittle, so if there is anything in particular that I need to be aware of, please let me know. Don't want a small job to turn into a bigger one. Thanks!
  11. Big Red Mach 1

    Need new brake bleeder screws

    Put rebuilt calipers on not long ago and have never been able to get the pedal as fim as it used to be. Today I noticed after a drive that the bleders on each caliper are both dripping a tiny bit when the brakes are applied. They are as tight as can be. Any tighter and I'd be afraid of snapping...
  12. Big Red Mach 1

    What's this stud and nut holding?

    Far left side of firewall.
  13. Big Red Mach 1

    Parts Wanted Beware. New Member as of today 4/5/23 bradonryan is a scammer

    If you are looking for something on this forum, you will probably get a PM from him stating that a friend has what you are looking for and that you should email that person for info about the item. It's an obvious scam.
  14. Big Red Mach 1

    Idle Air Bleeds - How well do they work?

    With interchangeable air bleeds on a Quick Fuel or Holley type of carb, how big of an impact do the idle air bleeds make per size? A certain number of us have had to drill out our butterflies in order to get enough air at idle so that we can keep the idle screw turned way down so that we don't...
  15. Big Red Mach 1

    Parts Wanted Teal Blue Metallic PS Pump Paint

    NPD is out right now and I didn't have enough left in my can to finish. Hoping someone has a can or partial can they are willing to sell so I can finish the job. Thanks.
  16. Big Red Mach 1

    Reduced Voltage to clock?

    Does the clock run on voltage that is reduced prior to the clock harness? I jumped mine just to see if it would work, and it spun 10x faster than normal. Thought maybe it used less voltage to keep the battery from running down. Thanks!
  17. Big Red Mach 1

    Quarter Window Horizontal Weatherstrips

    I can find the verticals anywhere. Can't seem to locate the horizontal strips. Any recommendations on where I can find a set? Mine are hard as a rock and cracking/breaking off with minimal contact.
  18. Big Red Mach 1

    R.I.P. Eddie Phillips (FastE)

    Long time website member and 71-73 enthusiast Eddie Phillips aka FastE from Terrell, TX passed away on Tuesday the 28th of June 2022. Eddie fought Multiple Myeloma incredibly hard for about 6 years before it finally took him. His diagnosis is the only reason why he sold his 73 Mach 1. He bought...
  19. Big Red Mach 1

    How bad is the 71 early 72 brake booster?

    Apparently these underwent an upgrade in mid-72 that was supposed to help with reliability. Were that many of the 71-72 Bendix boosters failing? What did they change in them to make them more reliable? Thanks!
  20. Big Red Mach 1

    Added a Glow Shift Dual Wideband and went for a drive.

    As everyone knows by now, I'm new to carbs and have had a lot to learn over this past year and a half. With help form many of you, I got mine fairly dialed-in, but really wanted some form of visual confirmation of where I was. I bought the Dual Wideband setup from Glow Shift. Because my interior...