1973 Convertible Project: Underbody final days


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Yea, I saw that. It would be great to find door and rear panels as a set that were setup with power windows. Maybe a long shot
when I bought mine last year, they had the manual crank hole pre cut. and your very correct in quality end. The holes for the mount pins do not line up to the door holes . Also the handle boot hole circular cast doesn't match the orignal boot( hope I got the right names,).The wood look insert was easier to manipulate using a hot poker to melt the plastic to match the finicky metal tabs.slow and stead is the trick with those or they snap right off.but I guess you will be buying new. I actually ran out of time coming up to the only car show I participated in so I threw my old panel on the drives side and the new on the passenger. no one noticed or if. they did they were kind and remained silent. your really putting in the work. keep it up.
I have a fastback that I tore down and reassembled and never came across any parts that looked like that. Is it a convertible top part maybe in the folding top well area? It looks like spray trim adhesive residue on it to me, and the material looks like it could be the well material? Or it could be a '73 part that I wouldn't have on a "71. Just guessing here from what I see in your pics, maybe a more experienced or a vert guy can say for sure.

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