Pastel Blue
Just curious for those with extensive experience re: the '71 rear/axles listed here. Just finished the re & re of the axle bearings and seals on my project. Ran into a bit of an issue with the small collar (the one that is almost the same width as the axle itself) that is located in front of the bearing and its retainer on the axle. Initially, I was told that most of these axles did not come with this small collar, the seal sat directly on the axle. Clearly, this would not have worked for me, as the seal required the collar for a proper fit. Trying to locate replacement collars was fruitless in my area. Fortunately, we were able to get the collars off and then reuse them once the new bearings were in place. Can someone comment on these particular axles and explain if there are different versions out there for our cars when referencing the use of these small seal collars. These were the original axles to my car, just happy to have the issue sorted out and everything reinstalled again. Cheers.
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