Awful Late Night TV Commercials

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Ummm... there's a minute of my life right down the toilet. And with my insomnia I thought I had seen them all. I was hoping for a girls gone wild infomercial

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Late night TV advertisements can be quite entertaining and some are simply awful. Which deserve to be the worst of the bunch?

My choice:


My perfect polly is my best friend. Yesterday I thought my polly was sick, turned out to be just a weak battery, put a new battery in and boy of boy, polly just chirped her little head off. I'm thinking about getting another perfect polly so she's not lonely when I leave the house...then again it may make polly jealous to bring another one into the house, plus what if they both get sick at the same time and I only have one battery, how would I chose which one to save?


The Wax Vac:

Every time that bonehead stuffs the Q-tip into his ear and screams in pain makes me laugh and think, "Whatta Dumb-Ass" at the same time.

And don't get me started about how nasty the water looks when they empty out the bin - is it me, or does it look like someone peed in it?

Dumbest commercial ever. "It just makes sense." rofl

Suffice it to say, I hate pretty much any of these commercials that show the most fake actors doing simplest things in the most inept way possible. I'm sorry, but I don't know anybody who has ever mangled a pancake so badly "As Seen On TV" while trying to flip it over.

Then there's those commercials showing inept people doing simple things with sounds of frustration mixed into the background... they sound like pr0n sounds, if you really think about it. For instance: :whistling:
