"My World is Fire and Blood"
Had an interesting thing happen at a car show yesterday.
I drove into the show, parked, grabbed a bite to eat, jumped in my car to leave about an hour later pulled out, and had my car stall out. hummm.
restarted and was able to leave the show but the car was not running like normal. i stopped at the first light and i noticed the engine was more lumpy then normal and could feel it in the seat of my pants.
Got her home popped the hood and discovered my vacuum line to the vacuum advance was popped off(instant vacuum leak). That is odd since that line would be hard to pop off and my car was running fine before the show. I suspect somebody may have tampered with it, I'm keeping an eye on things.
I had my hood closed at the show yesterday, so if somebody did tamper with things they would of had to pop my hood to get to it.
in pasted shows I've been to in my area I've had things stolen, at one show a fellow mustang owner had his air cleaner base stolen right from the car and nobody said anything. I've had my mustang tire stem caps stolen, and somebody lifted my club jacket at one event, that has my name embroidered on it, never caught them. again everyone was oblivious to somebody stealing things, people just don't care or pay attention.
its making me more and more leary of going to these shows since there is no security and lets face it its pretty easy to steal things off them and get away with it. even with tons of people walking around unless you have a friend sitting there watching your stuff anybody can walk up claim to be an owner and then grab something and leave.
I now understand why i see a lot of owners or families basically camped out around their cars in lawn chairs just sitting there for hours watching there stuff.
If that is how it has to be count me out of going to these shows makes me mad and angry thinking about it.
i checked over the rest of the engine compartment and everything looked to be in place, i doubt that vac line popped off by itself, after i discovered my new vacuum leak i went for a spin and it was fine no problems.
so be on guard even when your most relaxed, keep your eyes open and help another guy out if you see something not right.

I drove into the show, parked, grabbed a bite to eat, jumped in my car to leave about an hour later pulled out, and had my car stall out. hummm.
restarted and was able to leave the show but the car was not running like normal. i stopped at the first light and i noticed the engine was more lumpy then normal and could feel it in the seat of my pants.
Got her home popped the hood and discovered my vacuum line to the vacuum advance was popped off(instant vacuum leak). That is odd since that line would be hard to pop off and my car was running fine before the show. I suspect somebody may have tampered with it, I'm keeping an eye on things.
I had my hood closed at the show yesterday, so if somebody did tamper with things they would of had to pop my hood to get to it.
in pasted shows I've been to in my area I've had things stolen, at one show a fellow mustang owner had his air cleaner base stolen right from the car and nobody said anything. I've had my mustang tire stem caps stolen, and somebody lifted my club jacket at one event, that has my name embroidered on it, never caught them. again everyone was oblivious to somebody stealing things, people just don't care or pay attention.
its making me more and more leary of going to these shows since there is no security and lets face it its pretty easy to steal things off them and get away with it. even with tons of people walking around unless you have a friend sitting there watching your stuff anybody can walk up claim to be an owner and then grab something and leave.
I now understand why i see a lot of owners or families basically camped out around their cars in lawn chairs just sitting there for hours watching there stuff.
If that is how it has to be count me out of going to these shows makes me mad and angry thinking about it.
i checked over the rest of the engine compartment and everything looked to be in place, i doubt that vac line popped off by itself, after i discovered my new vacuum leak i went for a spin and it was fine no problems.
so be on guard even when your most relaxed, keep your eyes open and help another guy out if you see something not right.