"My World is Fire and Blood"
it is really hard to balance the drums.
If the car brakes hard to one side then the opposite side is suspect.
so if the car is turning right when braking then the issue is with the left side.
most balance issues are caused from the rear brakes.
my car tends to go left when heavy braking. i kept playing with the rear right drum and one mechanic told me to leave it alone for a while and see if the shoe breaks in, you know the car isn't going straight but sometimes it needs to be driven for a while to wear in the shoe...
the issue i have is i have a traction lock rear diff, the traction lock makes it impossible to balance the rear brakes left to right because i cannot feel how much drag each drum has. usually you can jack the car up put it in neutral and then with an open diff you can spin each tire and feel or hear the drum shoe drag on the cover. i kept-ed messing around with the adjusters and i might of been chasing my tail. so I'm driving the car carefully hoping to see if the stronger rear brake will wear in if i leave things alone. each time i take the car out i drive in reverse at about 10mph and slam the brakes that is suppose to automatically increment the sprocket adjusters in the drums.
Another thing to check that people get mixed up is putting the automatic adjusters on the wrong side of the car.
if that happens then each time the brakes re-adjust the drums loosen not tighten and eventually you loose rear brakes completely.
one last thing that can throw off brakes is a bent frame, or bad alignment on the front end. caster angle can be out of balance left to right and cause stopping issues.
If the car brakes hard to one side then the opposite side is suspect.
so if the car is turning right when braking then the issue is with the left side.
most balance issues are caused from the rear brakes.
my car tends to go left when heavy braking. i kept playing with the rear right drum and one mechanic told me to leave it alone for a while and see if the shoe breaks in, you know the car isn't going straight but sometimes it needs to be driven for a while to wear in the shoe...
the issue i have is i have a traction lock rear diff, the traction lock makes it impossible to balance the rear brakes left to right because i cannot feel how much drag each drum has. usually you can jack the car up put it in neutral and then with an open diff you can spin each tire and feel or hear the drum shoe drag on the cover. i kept-ed messing around with the adjusters and i might of been chasing my tail. so I'm driving the car carefully hoping to see if the stronger rear brake will wear in if i leave things alone. each time i take the car out i drive in reverse at about 10mph and slam the brakes that is suppose to automatically increment the sprocket adjusters in the drums.
Another thing to check that people get mixed up is putting the automatic adjusters on the wrong side of the car.
if that happens then each time the brakes re-adjust the drums loosen not tighten and eventually you loose rear brakes completely.
one last thing that can throw off brakes is a bent frame, or bad alignment on the front end. caster angle can be out of balance left to right and cause stopping issues.