CJ Pony Parts shipping rates


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Aug 7, 2024
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Orlando, Florida
My Car
1972 Coupe
Granted I am new to this process, but is it just me or are the shipping rates from anything on CJ's completely outrageous? Regardless of what I plan on ordering, the rates are usually double the price of the item. Case in point, looking for a new NACA hood for the coupe. CJ has one for $319.00. The only option of truck freight is an additional $349.00. Total of $719 and some odd change. Dash pad...$137. With shipping $ 248. Seems pretty excessive.

NPD in Ocala is an hour drive away. Their NACA hood is $419 with onsite pickup. Pretty sure that's going to be my go-to at this point. I get the weight/transport costs, but the shipping for CJPP seems to greatly outweigh the desire to even shop with them. Think I'll just start making punch lists and taking a Saturday drive for shopping sprees.

Just curious if this is a common gripe amongst the group. Most likely this has been posted or commented on plenty in the past.

I stopped buying from CJ several years ago due to poor service and increasing back orders. NPD, Kentucky Mustang, and Rock Auto are my preferred sources now since they have inventory and can deliver quickly. I've never experienced a back order from these. Another to consider is Virginia Classic Mustang, though I seldom buy from them they have come through when I have.
Shipping is and always has been a problem with sheetmetal parts. With NPD being so close, I'd be hard pressed to shop anywhere else. Mustangs Unlimited was 45 minutes from me, and I miss being able to order online or over the phone, and go there to pick up my parts. It was a huge advantage to be able to inspect any sheetmetal before taking it home.

CJPP has a reputation that, IMO, is well deserved. They are known for less than stellar customer service, substituting parts without contacting the customer, and "sales" that aren't sales at all. Right now they have an "up to" 20% sale +8% Halloween deal on regular priced items. The issue is that most of their parts are "on sale" all the time from some made up list or MSRP price, and that "sale" price is about the same as everyone else's "regular" price.

Their newest money grab is to automatically op you in for Extend shipping protection.

I’ve noticed that price differance as well. But for me, and I can only speak to my experiences, so far, I haven’t bought a part from NPD or WCCC that I regretted buying. Absolutely cannot say that about CJ. I also live 97 miles from the Ventura Ca NPD warehouse.

And, for what it’s worth, most of us know more about the process and shortcomings coming from the repop market because @Rick@NPD has been gracious in telling us how the process works. Maybe I missed it, but I haven’t received that kind of help from anyone at CJ’s.
A fuel line kit is $71.99 at CJ Pony, and $98.84 at NPD

I'm wondering if it balances out at shipping, but I'm noticing NPD prices are higher
They are higher, but once you get CJPP's shipping rates, they come in below what your final price ends up being. I'm sure CJPP has its "sweet spot" for some... but for major items (to Sheriffs point, sheet metal) or large components, other options seem to be better, not only with the shipping costs, but to many of the comments above...the service aspect.

As mentioned, I'm lucky to only be an hour away from NPD, and to Steve's point above, I have never had bad service with their team. I've had guys from NPD personally call me back on my cell phone with suggestions on things that I spoke about during a purchase, just because they genuinely wanted to help.

Plus it gives me a reason to take the coupe out for a two hour shopping ride!

A fuel line kit is $71.99 at CJ Pony, and $98.84 at NPD

I'm wondering if it balances out at shipping, but I'm noticing NPD prices are higher

I'd have to see the specific SKU at CJ's, and go through the motions of checking-out with it, to see where they land in the "delivered" column... I'll elaborate more on my next post to everyone following this thread...

I'd have to see the specific SKU at CJ's, and go through the motions of checking-out with it, to see where they land in the "delivered" column... I'll elaborate more on my next post to everyone following this thread...

Just as an example on this NACA hood. Here was the screen cap from the CJPP cart prior to me deciding to head to your Ocala location. This is to me here in Orlando.

Screen Shot 2024-10-24 at 1.27.04 PM.png
They are higher, but once you get CJPP's shipping rates, they come in below what your final price ends up being. I'm sure CJPP has its "sweet spot" for some... but for major items (to Sherrifs point, sheet metal) or large components, other options seem to be better, not only with the shipping costs, but to many of the comments above...the service aspect.

As mentioned, I'm lucky to only be an hour away from NPD, and to Steve's point above, I have never had bad service with their team. I've had guys from NPD personally call me back on my cell phone with suggestions on things that I spoke about during a purchase, just because they genuinely wanted to help.

Plus it gives me a reason to take the coupe out for a two hour shopping ride!


Hey, this is good news! ;) If you come up on a weekday, email me first, and I'll make sure you get a chance to stroll through our collection. It'll definitely make your trip worthwhile. My email is [email protected]

And you have definitely put a spotlight on a major point that I'll elaborate on below... The total delivered cost, including whatever "fees" are involved, is what counts. There are plenty of old-school (and slimy) business tactics that are still widespread on the internet, not just in restoration parts, but in everything you might buy...

This is to everyone/anyone reading this thread, random thoughts/points, likely in random order LOL!!!

* As has already been pointed out, price and price alone does not paint the full picture. We have plenty of competitors who make it a practice of setting low-ball prices for products, only to bend you over at the checkout counter. The total cost, delivered, is what matters. Truck freight items is a common one, where the advertised price lures you in, but the shipping fee gobbles-up all of your perceived savings.

* Handling fees, Insurance fees, exorbitant shipping fees, these are all manners in which companies clamor to have the lowest prices when prospective buyers are comparison shopping and doing spreadsheets, only to get all of that money back (and then some) at checkout. We just don't do it. Never have, never will, regardless of the consequences. We give hobbyists the benefit of the doubt, and the respect, that they'll figure things out for themselves in the long-run. We've never felt that it's good business sense to treat customers like suckers.

* Insurance - What a joke, what a money-grab that is. Is everyone aware that UPS automatically places $100 insurance on every standard ground shipment? It's free. And if something more valuable than that is damaged, you can still claim with UPS, and assuming the items were packed to UPS standard specs, they compensate. If NOT, i.e. if an NPD shipment is damaged, and the UPS claim is denied due to inadequate packing, then NPD shoulders the responsibility to replace the merchandise. We self-insure, we don't place the onus and expense on YOU to ensure that your stuff arrives complete and undamaged. Why should you have to pay a fee to ensure that we do our job correctly?? Insurance fees, and insurance up-sells, absolutely blow my mind. I don't know how these folks sleep at night.

* Sometimes we're more expensive. That happens. We can't be cheapest on everything. But also, please understand that in many cases the product that we are selling is not the same manufacturer/quality/correctness that our competitor might be selling at a lower price. The notion that "all reproduction parts are the same, made by a handful of actual manufacturers" is pure bunk, absolute B.S.. Especially with the Mustang market, which is huge. NPD alone sources to over 1,100 active manufacturers and distributors, and in more cases than not, there are choices on a product-by-product basis. We have been laser-focused for almost 50 years now to ensure that everything we're carrying is the best version of that item we can possibly get our hands on. It's our matrix of sourcing, and our constant attention to it, that (I believe firmly) sets us apart. And in cases where the various choices also vary considerably in price, we'll usually offer BOTH (sometimes 3 choices), so that you have the ability to choose based upon your budget and priorities. We also read every single product review that comes through, acting on those where/when we can.

This industry is so competitive, that there's almost always a ying to the yang, a robbing of Peter to pay Paul, a give and take, when it comes to the overall levels of quality, service and speed you'll receive. You're not just buying parts, you're buying the research that went into identifying/sourcing the best. You're buying the pay-rate of the phone salesperson who's been with the company for 10-20 years solid and knows what they're talking about. You're buying the service-after-the-sale, should something be defective or go wrong in any way.

All of those things come at an expense. And the companies that tend to be the cheapest on the parts, tend to not have enough money left-over from the transaction to fund the product/sourcing-research, or to retain good sales personnel, or to be able to afford to self-insure and make-good if stuff goes bad down the road.

So it's a matrix, and our matrix is what it is.

Sorry so long folks!!! I get going, and I can't shut up!!

Hey, this is good news! ;) If you come up on a weekday, email me first, and I'll make sure you get a chance to stroll through our collection. It'll definitely make your trip worthwhile. My email is [email protected]
and this speaks to the service mentioned. Thanks Rick. Sent ya an email. Looking forward to taking a drive out to see you all.
