Thats scary...Typical goverment politics too....Keep pulling the noose till there no more guns in the hands of legal owners ...and only the criminals will have them.....I love how they point out that more people get hurt on ATV's than shooters hurting them selves.....I bet money more people get hurt on BLM land just hiking on it than the shooters....Heck i been shooting around here for years...And no one ever got hurt{doesnt mean it cant happen} but if it would be all over the news from coast to coast....But i have heard of a few kids killing them selves on ATV's here in my area...<~~That never makes it on the news ..hardly a mention of it in local news paper....Let alone coast to coast.....I find it odd that some deaths are not as importaint..Just cause of some agenda to take things away from good legal safe folks {shakes head} Are constitution is a joke to them