Discount tire measured my old tires?

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Oct 14, 2010
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Anyone know why discount tire measured the tread depth on the old tires from my kids F150 ?

Only thing I can think of is they are reselling them and I don't get any of the profit. They are my tires and I paid both an environmental fee and waste tire disposal fee of $18 to have them recycled, not resold on craigslist.

If thats what they are doing I would call it dishonest to their customers.

I'm done with them. Every time I go in the place it gives me the creeps. All the salespeoples responses are right out of the corporate handbook.

Must be the employee bonus.....all the wore out tires they can resell. :p

The tires I just replaced had plenty of tread and had not even worn down

to the wear indicators, I am guessing they had a good 1/8 inch tread left.

But they were almost 7 years old, time to replace. There is no date stamp

on a tire I am aware of. Evenly worn tread or not, 7 years is pushing it.


Yes, tires are date code stamped.

Were the tires mileage warranted?

If so, and they were pro rated towards the new ones, then they needed to measure them for the $$ adjustment (so they get reimbursed from the manufacturer).

If not, well, yeah, they're probably sellin' 'em ;)

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