Enjoy the Day


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Jan 7, 2015
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Western North Carolina
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Multiple Mustangs!
To everyone,

For those not in the U.S.A. today is our day of Thanksgiving. We all have family over and eat way too much.

For those here I wish all a Happy Thanksgiving and may everyone travel safe and enjoy the day with you family. We sometimes look at life and think there is little to be thankful for but just look at others that are not so lucky. There are many that will awake today and not be in a home that will not have turkey or ham and all the great food. Always be thankful and hope everyone has a great year ahead of them.

David Fowler

Yes, we have a lot to be thankful for. I think of all the things we have that we take for granted. Family, nice homes, an abundance of food, cars that are just play toys, and many other freedoms that people in other parts of the world only dream of. Every time I turn on the TV and see the turmoil in the world and people who have lost everything they own including loved ones, I see how truly lucky we are. If your traveling, be safe. Be sure to let your family know how much you love them. Happy Thanksgiving!
