Hello From The Show Me State!


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Before I miss out on all the action on this welcome post, another shepherd (ponypoastor) sends you a welcome to the stable. Hope you like the smell of both sheep and horses crowded together in one pen. Sheep need to be led. Horses need to be driven--and fast! TC

I think I have to get past my own stench before I can even tell how much the sheep smell! As for the Mustang...I've always liked how they smell! ;)

I looked at your profile and saw that you own two of the 7th generation T-Bird. The very first car I ever bought from an actual dealer was a 1979 Ford T-Bird in light medium blue with the 351W and leather interior. Oh, how I loved the way that car floated down the highways!


Welcome from Chesapeake VA! MY Dad was Air Force 70-74 and I was born on base at Vandenberg in California

Welcome!! I hope you learn as much as i already have from this great site and people!! God bless you brother!! Thank you for your service to our country and the Church!!

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