I tried a new approach when I contemplated replacing the original, wider door window felts on my 1973 fastback recently. As many of you know, the reproduction window felt kits are nowhere close to the wider OEM felts used in 1973. Perhaps you could benefit from this approach. Here's what I did with satisfactory results:
Since I wanted to try to reuse the well-engineered, wide, original felts but because they had become worn, torn and brittle (typically only at the exposed top edge) I cleaned them up as best I could, then I remounted them just below the Re-pops window felts I purchased new. This way you have the new-looking rubber/felt edge helping to keep out water yet you have all the original window support Ford intended when you roll down the window into the door. Remounting the old, wider felts was just a matter of drilling 4-5 new holes in the old felts and door inner sheet metal (use an extended length drill bit to reach into the area). I used #8 screws and butted/aligned the old felts right under the new felts. I now have a new looking window felt and a quiet, fully-supported window when shutting the door hard.
DO NOT throw out your old, wide window felts! Just remount them under a new felt. This approach will save you spending an addition $50 for the “supplemental” felt kit.....