Hi from Oz


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Well-known member
May 21, 2013
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My Car
1973 mach 1 Q code 4 speed
Hey Guys, Wow I finally found the right Mustang site for me!!!

Just imported my 73 Mach 1 Q code 4 Speed from Colorado to here in Australia (Noosa) and Love it. Please forgive me if im not forum savy but i ll learn as i go. What i do know is that I love my 73 Mach 1 its done 87000 miles Im the 3rd owner and when I saw it I just had to have it. I had always wanted an XA GT falcon here in OZ but funny it worked out cheaper to buy an even better car from the USA. anyway thanks in advance for having me here I ll have lots of questions for you guys as there are not many 71-73 Mustangs here but there are thousands of 65-67's (yawn) so most people here don't even know what my car is as i go roaring by!


They probably think its a Skinny XB Falcon!

Welcome to the site...from Navarre Florida, we have a couple of members from Oz on here...they will be introducing themselves shortly I am sure...

Post up some Pictures ....We love pictures!! and don't forget to put a pin in the map under "fun Stuff" ( also see where everyone is!)

Welcome again...

T2 :)

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Welcome to the site from Virginia. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your 73 Mach 1. Make yourself at home here and don't be concerned about asking questions. There are a lot of friendly members here from around the world!

Hi Dave,

::welcome:: from Brisbane, Queensland.

There's a lot of experience and knowledge on the forum to take advantage of, and a great bunch of friendly guys as well.

Congratulations on your getting the Mustang. I hope it lives up to expectations for you. Forum members love photos if you have any at this stage to show.

Catch up mate!


G'day and welcome aboard from the West, Ask away with any questions, this is the best place to learn about the 71-73 cars..

Hi Dave, welcome from the Down Under of Down Under (Bendigo in Victoria) ::welcome::

If the good forum folk from the US ever decide to gang up on us after they get wise that were liberating their Mustangs one by one, then it will be good to be able to count on your moral support for the local Aussie contingent here! :D

Hi Dave and welcome from Ontario Canada, as you can tell we are worldwide site that's devoted to the 7173 Mustang, as others have said we love pictures so when you get a chance we'd love to see some.


From Ft. Walton Beach, Florida.

Now Ya want to hep me out on an RRS electric power steering set up, fer my 73 vert?? Hehheh.

Either that or smuggle some Bundaburg Rum.

No Worries, Welcome!!

Welcome from coastal Alabama! The TinyPic button works great for posting pics. The button shows up when you make a new post.

Welcome from Colorado. What part of Colorado did your car come from?

I can read your excitement in your new car. Never lose that and enjoy the ride of your life everyday.

Mate - This site is the bomb!

I landed my 73 Mach1 in Melbourne 2 months ago. I bought it while travelling through Charlotte, NC last September. You're right - better cars , & also with a bit more street cred than XA-XC offerings here.

There is a heap of helpful information on this site - & great peeps too.

Cheers - Enjoy your ride

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