I think we should all be ready for the China Virus


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The Chinese are really taking it serious. The leaders in the affected ares have been taken out of office for not being active enough in controlling people leaving. As much as 50% of the people in the outbreak area ran and that exploded the outbreak. 

You cannot even leave your home or apartment in the center of the outbreak now. Some apartment buildings are being boarded up to prevent anyone leaving. They are taking serious even though is is not considered that serious of an illness. With absolutely no info on it they are all in the dark. 

By far the U.S. has taken the lightest attempt to stop it. Our CDC are a bunch of idiots. Easier to prevent than to get under control. Think about that one flight attendant with AIDS years ago. Could have stopped in it's tracks but not. 

I will not even go to Dr. right now until something changes. I was due to have couple surgeries but not now. Warm weather does control it so we are in our earliest spring ever here. Spring flowers are all up and bloomed but going into teens tonight. 

It is like ignoring your idiot light on dash not doing anything.

So I doubt you are getting any supplies.

That is crazy that they can see from space that they are cremating so many it has polluted the air.

I have been looking at some of the smuggled video and they were actually boarding up the entrances to the apartment buildings so no one can get out. They put war time restrictions on Wuhon and that district. Nobody is allowed to leave their apartments. Not like here with individual homes, apartment buildings are usually around 40 stories and maybe 4 elevators that all residents have to use. Have parking garage underground. So it would be easy to spread a virus in that confined space.

Don't know what they do for food. Most do not have lots of food on hand. Shopping is convenient so you do not have to stock up. But if you cannot leave and nobody going to work it might get tough.

I lived in a sort of deluxe apartment that was only 5 stories with no elevator I was on second floor. All of the apartments are gated and have guards so they can for sure stop any one leaving. 

The two officials over the health in the area were removed from office and I would expect them to be executed which happens a lot if you do not do your job as an official.  They were remove for not acting quick enough and serious enough to prevent the spread. Millions fled Wuhon before they shut down travel sending sick all over China. 

I was going to take a short job following some tooling in China but not right now. They claim that warm weather will be about the only way to stop it and that will be April.

I use to hear the brass bands playing in the morning for funerals every day where I live in Wuhu China. 

Those on the cruise ships are in big trouble.

That story is proven to be a false twitter story

I Have a cure ... snort type F transmission fluid and gargle Valvoline 20W40  :whistling: ...and stay underneath your car tinkering with it, you wont meet anyone that way -  and like bird flu, only come out when the epidemic has all gone away.

I posted this pretty early on for the virus because my friends in China saw how it was. Yes just a cold but it does kick victims ass if you have lung issues. I have Emphysema so it will take me out if I get it. Flu would not probably be an issue.

So today I went to grocery for regular visit. WOW the toilet paper stocks should sore, lol. Why toilet paper?? No sanitizes at all. We do have cases local in all hospitals. 8 states closed schools 22,000 schools closed so finally they are taking it serious. 

When my friends flew back from China and had ZERO testing and ZERO quarantine that really pissed me off. I am sure that the thousands they let in had the virus and boom in all but Montana and West Virgina as of today. 

So I do hope all are good. 

I have contacted the people that are doing the Ponies in the Smokies Mustang show later this month and they say still on. Which is crazy there will be nobody there. They have banned all gatherings here of 150 or more people and even suspended court no cases will be tried until the virus has ran it's course. 

So many said I was crying wolf but it turns out that this virus robs from 20 to 30% of your lung capacity then COPD, Asimah and Emphysema patients do not stand a chance. 

So I did find toilet paper so I am good there and have food for a very long time. Got me some gas for generator and I have 30 loads of firewood so will not be cold. 

Hope you all are good just stay out of crowds and do not touch anything you do not have to and wash wash wash your hands. 

Keep your hands off your face usually gets in from the eyes face mask does little. 

I loaded up at liquor store and they said business was very good. I think people buying to wash hands with no alcohol in the stores.

Thanks, David.  As I said in the other post, "time will tell" and it is playing out exactly as the Drs, Nurses and Scientists said it would.  In less than a week we went from "Hoax" to National Emergency.  Yes, my earlier paranoia was/is indeed fueled by the added risk factors:  age and co-morbidities.

Since we missed the window of containment long, long ago, what's most essential is whatever it takes to minimize the spread so that the healthcare system is not overwhelmed.  Y'all might have seen the original graph of "the benefit of social distancing"; I'll share one that might actually get people who ignore data to at least look ;)

And one thing I'll share just here:  you don't exclusively need disinfectant wipes (as if you can find any now).  Plain old soap and water is the best disinfectant for all common surfaces so the car cleaning products, such as ArmorAll Cleaning wipes (not Glass, not Interior, just "Cleaning") are still pretty available (and on sale at Target for 2 for $12 in the Value Size).

Be well, everyone.

Our school district is closed for a minimum of two weeks, probably longer. The data says that this is the one single action that can seriously stem the tide of the outbreak and I firmly believe that. I live a half mile from the middle school and the reduction in traffic during vacations is unbelievable.

I ventured out this afternoon the 8 half gallons of whiskey I got are gone, lol.

Since the ABC store is right beside the grocery I put a mask on and went in to get some salmon and fresh veges. I was shocked. Prices look normal and eggs were $.85 a dozen. There was plenty of meat no empty areas and lots of bread and fresh veges. So at least where I live people have quit buying everything off the shelves. I understand the density of the people in the big cities puts a stain on supplies. 

I did go on the interstate and saw things that should not be. Cars from Wisconsin, Delaware, NY and many other states seem to be running. I think it is stupid that they opened the beaches in Florida. 

Just saw on the news that the Cherokee Indian reservation that is near by has much stronger requirements. You will not come in if out of state, local only... They have more say than state or federal. They are taking it serious like all should have to have killed it short. Now it will drag on forever because of all of those that say the reports from China were false and it is nothing. Nothing my skinny ass. 

This will probably kill more small business than anything ever. The national debt will be beyond recovery so get ready for a new life style very soon. The rich are not going to pay the bills the middle class and poor have to do that in the U.S.. Social Security that we paid for years ago might collapse. You cannot just keep getting another credit card.

More and more lies about the full extent of the dead in China keep popping up so way more than first said. They were stacked up in coolers and they could not burn them fast enough. They have new outbreak in areas far away from the start near Russia. Heck unclaimed bodies are just being buried here in the U.S.. Look back at all those that were in denial they tired to kill this country.

My partner is a Nurse/Matron in the local Hospital,

She told me today that 2 of her staff despite wearing all the correct PPE have gone down with the virus!

There's a lot more to come :(

Get use to it folks. This is going to be the new normal for some time to come. Due to the few that don't want to follow the rules many will pay. I was watching the protesters on the news and what bother me was the aholes that had their kids with them. Any of those parents who kid get the virus should be charged with child endangerment. No one likes the situation. I understand the hardship that it has caused a vast majority of the people and businesses. But why take the chance to make it worse. Going out in crowds is only asking for trouble. My 34 yo niece has gotten the virus and was just released from the hospital. She did everything right except one of her friends was out running around a stopped by her house to see her. Instead of keeping their distance they gave each other a hug. Turns out that who she got it from. On second thought we ought to take the protesters and give them the virus. Maybe then they would learn how dangerous it is.

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Get use to it folks.  This is going to be the new normal for some time to come.  Due to the few that don't want to follow the rules many will pay.  I was watching the protesters on the news and what bother me was the aholes that had their kids with them.  Any of those parents who kid get the virus  should be charged with child endangerment.  No one likes the situation. I understand  the hardship that it has caused a vast majority of the people and businesses.  But why take the chance to make it worse.  Going out in crowds is only asking for trouble. My 34 yo niece has gotten the virus and was just  released from the hospital.  She did everything right except one of her friends was out running around a stopped by her house to see her.  Instead of keeping their distance they gave each other a hug.  Turns out that who she got it from.  On second thought we ought to take the protesters and give them the virus.  Maybe then they would learn how dangerous it is.
Great to hear your niece is over the worst.  ::thumb::   Trouble is because people can't see the virus many think it won't happen to them!  :shootself:

What State does your niece live in?

My brother will be undergoing a second SWAB test as he suddenly had a sore throat and fever.

He works as a nurse and has been exposed to patients who were positive with COVID-19. He is trying to be positive, but he is not really feeling well right now. I am trying my best to cheer him up, I just really hope that it's just common flu, like what his colleague told him.

Overhere in the Netherlands we are starting to very, very slowly start working towards the "new normal". First changes will be reopening daycare and school for small kids. Apparantly kids hardly suffer and do not spread as much as teenagers and adults. This comes from a scientific report published today. Our prime minister will announce changes tonight on national tv. All other precautions like keeping distance, work from home, stay at home as much as possible and not being allowed to visit elderly homes will stay in effect. Also all entertainment remains closed as do shops where client and owner have physical contact with the exception of those that have enough protection like the dentist.

I saw the protesters in the US on the news here. Hospital personnel was blocking them. Those protesters.... I was going to write something bad but I wouldn't want to offend anybody ;-) Hospital staff, esp. the ones working in the ICU, deserve a medal.

Stay safe everybody!

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Overhere in the Netherlands we are starting to very, very slowly start working towards the "new normal". First changes will be reopening daycare and school for small kids. Apparantly kids hardly suffer and do not spread as much as teenagers and adults. This comes from a scientific report published today. Our prime minister will announce changes tonight on national tv. All other precautions like keeping distance, work from home, stay at home as much as possible and not being allowed to visit elderly homes will stay in effect. Also all entertainment remains closed as do shops where client and owner have physical contact with the exception of those that have enough protection like the dentist.

I saw the protesters in the US on the news here. Hospital personnel was blocking them. Those protesters.... I was going to write something bad but I wouldn't want to offend anybody  ;-) Hospital staff, esp. the ones working in the ICU, deserve a medal.

Stay safe everybody!

We do have some idiots here that still believe this is all a hoax and not real. They say that nobody can tell them to stay home that this is America and you can't do that so they go out and gather in protests. Our only hope for people like that is they get the virus and will thin them out so that we have a better place to live.

The health care workers and workers at the grocery are the soldiers in this battle for sure. People staying away from them is the only thing we can do to help. We have had several of our retirement homes here get the virus in and once in it is difficult to control. I did not see a new number last night. Due to this being a big retirement area we do have lots of older people. 

Good to hear your area starting to come back to normal. Our stay at home has been extended two more weeks at least.

I will chime in here as I have a slightly different opinion. Yes the virus is serious, but what is also serious is the government overreach here. While I am not one out protesting and I do practice my social distancing, wear a face mask in public and require all of my employees to wear them as well, I do not appreciate having my constitutional rights trampled on. My wife is a nurse and she agrees that the government has gone too far in attempting to control people and completely shutting down the economy. The hospital here has had far more patients with depression, suicide attempts, etc than they have COVID-19 patients since this all started. Everyone is wired differently and for a lot of people what the government is doing is far more devastating than the virus. Just my 2 cents.

Overhere in the Netherlands we are starting to very, very slowly start working towards the "new normal". First changes will be reopening daycare and school for small kids. Apparantly kids hardly suffer and do not spread as much as teenagers and adults. This comes from a scientific report published today. Our prime minister will announce changes tonight on national tv. All other precautions like keeping distance, work from home, stay at home as much as possible and not being allowed to visit elderly homes will stay in effect. Also all entertainment remains closed as do shops where client and owner have physical contact with the exception of those that have enough protection like the dentist.

I saw the protesters in the US on the news here. Hospital personnel was blocking them. Those protesters.... I was going to write something bad but I wouldn't want to offend anybody  ;-) Hospital staff, esp. the ones working in the ICU, deserve a medal.

Stay safe everybody!

We do have some idiots here that still believe this is all a hoax and not real. They say that nobody can tell them to stay home that this is America and you can't do that so they go out and gather in protests. Our only hope for people like that is they get the virus and will thin them out so that we have a better place to live.

The health care workers and workers at the grocery are the soldiers in this battle for sure. People staying away from them is the only thing we can do to help. We have had several of our retirement homes here get the virus in and once in it is difficult to control. I did not see a new number last night. Due to this being a big retirement area we do have lots of older people. 

Good to hear your area starting to come back to normal. Our stay at home has been extended two more weeks at least.
Well put. We will be far from normal for a while. But keeping the youngest at home creates more problems than it solves I guess so that's less restricted now. The main goal is maintaining sustainable levels of (health) care. So far almost everybody has been dealing with the restrictions well but the longer they take the less likely it will stay that way (we have idiots here too).

The retirement homes here have been hit real hard too. Difficult to control and they're badly prepared and protected. The NL has had a huge shortage of protective gear and tests. Hospitals barely managed to get enough free ICU beds. Thankfully Germany would take some patients, they were one of the best prepped counties in the EU. ICU usage has been dropping steadily here now for nearly 2 weeks but it goes very slow. Hopefully we can keep it going like this untill a vaccine becomes available but experts think that might take a year or so...

I will chime in here as I have a slightly different opinion. Yes the virus is serious, but what is also serious is the government overreach here. While I am not one out protesting and I do practice my social distancing, wear a face mask in public and require all of my employees to wear them as well, I do not appreciate having my constitutional rights trampled on. My wife is a nurse and she agrees that the government has gone too far in attempting to control people and completely shutting down the economy. The hospital here has had far more patients with depression, suicide attempts, etc than they have COVID-19 patients since this all started. Everyone is wired differently and for a lot of people what the government is doing is far more devastating than the virus. Just my 2 cents.
There is no easy solution to this problem.  Don't do anything and have a possible fatality rate in the millions or take action and try to stem the death rate by limiting the population moment and exposure.  Either way we loose.  I think that we in the mid west have not been fully exposed to it yet.  Once the restrictions are lifted then those with asymptomatic will spread it to the rest of us. Both of the coasts have seen the first wave of it and the devastating effects it can have.  I don't know what type of business you have and am sorry for the hardship it is causing you.  I for one do agree that there should be some type of guide lines allowing nonessential businesses that don't come in direct contact with the public to stay open provided they provide their employees with PPE.  Only time will tell just how right or wrong the decisions made were.

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I live in the Detroit metro area and if you ask me this has been blown way out of proportion. Yes it it a bad virus and yes it has and still is killing a lot of people, but so does influenza, heart attacks, cancer, car crashes and so on. If it’s so bad then why did all of the extra facilities they set up around here barely had any people come in? One place with a 1000 beds had 200 and another one had 500 beds and only 9 were used. Then we have a very large hospital that totally closes and sends patients with covid somewhere else! I just don’t get it. What a mess.

I also think that we are just going to have to learn to live with this somehow and hopefully someday they can come up with a vaccine for it. I really do feel bad for people that have died from this. According to the CDC at least 24-64k people die in the US each year from the flu. Pretty wide range but I think the figures get skewed from non reporting issues and the same thing is happening with this covid 19.

They need to lighten up on some of the restrictions they have and yes, I do think we all need to keep a safe distance from each other for now. Hope the country can start getting back to work! Just my 2 cents worth and I hope everyone gets through this ok.

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