Insurance - Parked Outdoors

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Aug 8, 2018
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My Car
72 Sportsroof - 351C-4V, Fitech EFI, T56 Magnum 6 Speed
Wondering what insurance people are using that covers the car when kept parked in my driveway? I've talked to Hagerty and American Collectors and both won't cover the car if parked outside. My regular insurance will do it but it's in the thousands a year for coverage vs a couple hundred at one of the specialty places. Obviously I know I'd need to pay more to keep it outside, but this isn't a high end show car and I'm on a tight budget so pretty tough to stomach that big a leap.

Appreciate any feedback on this.

Check with your insurance company. You might be able to go with full coverage and then suspend all but comprehensive. It's not canceling the liability, collision and stuff but allows you to adjust your coverage for periods of storage or no use. But you are covered if a tree falls on it. You pay for the coverage you are using.
Thanks. No real periods of storage, just don't have a garage that this thing will fit in. Of course times when it's up on jack stands for weeks at a time, but generally just parked there.

I had been doing something like this for some time. Basically had liability through my regular company and everything else from another. But even that was pretty pricey and still they want it to be in a garage. In the driveway, I'm mostly just looking for big stuff like cover it if it gets stolen and maybe if the UPS guy rams it making a u turn and doesn't leave a note. If someone breaks in or steals my $19 stereo, I think I'd just eat that.

I'll check around about getting comprehensive from my regular insurance or another provider and maybe something else for liability or the other way around.
I got a quote from hagerty. I went through the online questionnaire. It asked me a bunch of questions about every one of my cars. Part of that was where were they parked. The options were like in a garage, on the curb, driveway, yard, up on blocks, etc.

They issued me a quote even after saying that most of my cars are parked exposed to the elements.
Thanks. I actually ended up getting insurance through my regular company. It's more expensive and doesn't do stated value which isn't great. But at least it's covered. That post was really just sharing the nonsense of having a crazy neighbor along with a having to leave my car outside. I was mostly worried about theft in the driveway, didn't think I had to worry about my own neighbors.
I hope app
Follow up to why garages are a good thing. This is literally the first time I left the car uncovered overnight in a couple of years.

I hope appropriate charges were filed against the vandalizing neighbor!
You mentioned "stated value" make sure you are getting what you think you are. "Stated value" and "agree value" can be completely different. My agent didn't even know there was a difference and repeatedly told me they were the same against my telling him they are not. He got back to me and apologized for not knowing something he should have been well aware of.

Typically, agreed value means in case of a total loss the payout will be the agreed amount.

Stated value means you pay a premium based on the amount you choose. In case of a total loss the insurance company will then decide if the vehicle was worth the stated value or something less (actual cash value).
Thanks. Unfortunately around here unless you lose a few quarts of blood the cops don't want to hear about it. They did came by and gave her door a stern knocking then shrugged and left. Whatever it was washed off and left no damage that I could see, so fortunately she's an incompetent vandal.

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