Looking at the moon last night


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Apr 16, 2011
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My Car
1973 mach 1
Missed the super moon...Too many clouds and rain:( but last night it cleared up for a little bit and was out moon watchin..Decided to stick my digital cam up to the eye peice...Think im going to mount the cam better to it next time..did not turn out bad...and i wished i had all my electronic stand all hooked up...i was tring to hold it steady by hand "was not easy" Damn moon moves faster in the sky than you think..hehe.

Need some better eye peices still...One im using is awfull:(

Ya it rained here like crazy supermoon night....But cleared up only other night..I woke up and it was pouring rain again..hehe

Thanks...First time tring with a digital...I need better eyepeices and i should be able to get some amazing shots up close...Glad i live in a small town with lots of big hills to head up on..lol

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