If you are talking about the tight radius lip that the rubber seal attaches to, it is a matter of tricky and aggravating sheet metal forming and getting the heat and wire speed right (use small wire, .023 or so) followed by careful grinder and hand file work. I'm sure there is an easier way to do it but, that is the best I could come up with at the time and it did work. Chuck
Oh! THAT part. Yeah... you'll need to get creative on that. I went the route of having a local 'yard whack off those parts so I could graft them back in on mine. I believe the driver side piece I received is still pretty much intact, and if it'll help your project, you can have it.
Here's how bad mine was and what I did to fix it:
"new part" (passenger side) hacked off the 'yard car:
Removed the bad stuff:
Welded in the 'new' piece:
The 'new' piece was just a little short, so I made this piece to fill the gap: