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Jan 6, 2011
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Montevideo, Uruguay
My Car
1972 Mustang sportsroof
1970 Mustang Hardtop
1972 Mercedes Benz 350 SLC European Version
1950 Ford Custom coupé
Well friends... i just want to share with you an idea that´s been working deep in my mind for some time now and in the last few days I shared it with my girl and she became as exited as me....

You all know i´m from south america, just from next to Argentina and so.. and being from here makes a lot of things complicated, but NOTHING is impossible so, as i always dreamed to really drive a classic car where it belongs i just said "why not?"...

The first idea in my mind was to go to the USA, buy a cheap but reliable mustang (or dodge challenger i must say) and just drive from state to state to state untill the car of myself consider it enough...

Well... as a first thougt was a really fun plan for a 20/30 year old couple like us but... BUT... then the plan started to grow... I could´t just leave or sell my dream car, THE ONE who helped me on that brautiful trip behind... I just know i´m gonna fall in love with that car...

To make the long process in a short story... Why don´t my girl and I go to the USA, buy a reliable and cheap car... get some help to make it run sharp and... BRING IT BACK TO URUGUAY DRIVING!!!!! ...

viaje montevideo eeuu.jpg

I know... i know.. i´m crazy and everything.... but if it can be done I´LL DO IT!... WE´LL DO IT! :)

There are some complications in the rute here and there and my plan is to have at least a year or two to plan it, get the money to go safe on everything and do it enjoying the trip of our lifes...

It would be nice for me to hear everyone opinions, advices and get all the help to make it happend...

What do you think?

Logistics and security concerns will probably be a MONSTER but I would think that it could be done.

I would become very 'friendly" with the Uruqayan Embassies or Attaches at the countries to which I will be traveling through. They should be able to 'Keep you up-to-date" on threat assessments. I would then consider or calculate expenses and double it. I would think that it could be an EXPENSIVE trip when you consider your having to meet day-to-day expenditures, i.e. food, shelter, etc.

Yes, it can be done but I would think it will take some SERIOUS planning!


Logistics and security concerns will probably be a MONSTER but I would think that it could be done.

I would become very 'friendly" with the Uruqayan Embassies or Attaches at the countries to which I will be traveling through. They should be able to 'Keep you up-to-date" on threat assessments. I would then consider or calculate expenses and double it. I would think that it could be an EXPENSIVE trip when you consider your having to meet day-to-day expenditures, i.e. food, shelter, etc.

Yes, it can be done but I would think it will take some SERIOUS planning!

That´s right BT... that´s why i´m planning 1 or 2 years planning after being sure it´s legal for me to buy a car in the USA and drive it to several countries to here...

There are some stories on the net about people who did the same travel in between 15 and 60 days, depending on how manyu stops you do...

I´m not a crazy little men so i only go into this if i know it´s safe, legal and affordable for us...

There are actually some boarders problems, especially between Panamá and Colombia that literaly doesn´t exist the rute... Colombia itself is not a happy place for a classic car traveler :p so... the bomb is there... now let´s discuss it and try to find everything out :)

Keep in touch BT"!

A great dream! A lot of complications. I live in northern Mexico - not the safest place in the world. Drive a nice car through here and you are asking for problems. Too many drug lords who think they can have whatever they want. Still, drive only during the day and you are relatively safe. The other problem is Aduana. Just this week a church group try to come down and had their church van confiscated. The U.S. Embassy says that it is aware of this problem but cannot do anything for them. Aduana has admitted that the vehicle was taken without proper authority but no one has the authority to return it. Church van - GONE.

Yes... the other plan was to go to find the car via Internet, buy it, grab any american friend close to the car who´s willing to help and try to make the car running the best it can run... The go over there and ship it from USA to Lima in Perú or Quito in Ecuador... that helps my with the worst boarders.. Mexico, Colombia, Honduras etc and help the car not to run that many miles...

But the trip still needs to be organiced so, is central america is too heavy, bye bye... we´ll have alternatives that even maybe, save gas money and that stuff...

The car choice is important too... not onnly the place in the US to get it but the right engine and so, to make that kinda of trip... Not planning to get a super hot car, just a cheap but reliable one ;) not gonna sell it anyway :p

Hey I would love to see it all happen for you. If you do drive through my area "mi casa su casa". Definitely try to do your shopping in the desert southwest to get the most of a "rust-free" start. Your dream can be a reality and not a nightmare. All the best.

depending on year of car you are looking for,you cant go wrong with a late model mustang,1988-2000 cars are easy to find ,if even if it was shown a little love it would be a great car for that kind of trip.bought my 89 5liter cheap and i did some great road trips in that little car,since then,i have done some extensive mods to improve road handling. fun cars for road driving.nice thing about driving around US is all the camp grounds you can stay at,offset some hotel costs.100000 mile plus late models are plenty,and still outrun most cars on the road

Hey I would love to see it all happen for you. If you do drive through my area "mi casa su casa". Definitely try to do your shopping in the desert southwest to get the most of a "rust-free" start. Your dream can be a reality and not a nightmare. All the best.
Thanks very much for the tu casa mi casa idea, definitely will keep you guys totally posted of every detail :)

When you tell southwest desert, which state do you mean? texas, california maybe??

I´ll search for the most original car i can find... dont bother if it´s faited or the upholstery is not show quality but for my experience, a car that wasn´t restored and it is still well mantained and no accident, no rust and no mechanical mess is the one car i can trust the most... Factory did what was the best combination of parts.. that´s my thougt...

First of all is to find the legal stuff out... then, everything depends on money and patience...

Thanks again for your post!

depending on year of car you are looking for,you cant go wrong with a late model mustang,1988-2000 cars are easy to find ,if even if it was shown a little love it would be a great car for that kind of trip.bought my 89 5liter cheap and i did some great road trips in that little car,since then,i have done some extensive mods to improve road handling. fun cars for road driving.nice thing about driving around US is all the camp grounds you can stay at,offset some hotel costs.100000 mile plus late models are plenty,and still outrun most cars on the road
Hi there!! you know, there´s a legal stuff that forbides me to buy a car newer than 1990 so, everything is going to be planed taking as a condition, a classic mustang (because i wont find a challenger dirvable to here for the money i wold count)...

I think everything depends on the condition of the car but, for example, i imagine myself and my girl tripping in a 66 coupé, at 50 or 60 miles per hour and enjoying the ride... there not gonna be any hurry at all...

The cars i prefer and i know i can afford are at tops of 10 K... and that´s gonna include the mechanical mantain to do the trip... Not an easy find but i´ve seen some coupes for 5 or 6 K that seems to be never restored but yet original and dirvable...

Besides...10K miles is not a sunday trip... i wont buy a 429 SCJ.... who fills that tank!?? jeje

Bottom line.. it is a matter of patience and brain to do what is possible...

Keep posting!

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Arisona is the driest state and therefore normally has the cleanest cars although the sun does a number on all soft components. West Texas, New Mexico, Nevada and California are all considerations. Beware of a car that may not have originated in that part though. An early little coup is definitely in keeping with your idea.

If you don't want any trouble driving it back give it the rat rod painted on rusty look. People will see you driving it and think it is about to fall apart.

:p just kidding of course but I wish you good luck in your adventure. hope you can make that happen. If you do do it you should bring a small video camera and make a small documentary movie about it. "I would buy it hahaha"::thumb::

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Hi Damian -

I think you're approaching your dream very sensibly, and I admire you my friend! That is exactly what I would do (and have done, to some degree) as a young adventurer. And 1 or 2 years of planning sound about right.

I've heard of bad stories about Americans travelling to Central and South America, but not of Central/South Americans making the trip. As mentioned, embassies in foreign countries only have a small amount of influence over their host country when it comes to protecting their citizens abroad. So, avoiding any conflict would be the desired approach.

I like your idea alot, and would like to help as I'm able. I think Eric's idea to document it would be a lot of fun, and perhaps might earn some gas money as well. How much experience do you and the girlfriend have shooting video?

Let's keep talking about this and again, one or two years of planning will definitely be worthwhile.


Arisona is the driest state and therefore normally has the cleanest cars although the sun does a number on all soft components. West Texas, New Mexico, Nevada and California are all considerations. Beware of a car that may not have originated in that part though. An early little coup is definitely in keeping with your idea.
Ok... Understood... I´m not even searching cars yet... but is good to know, because i can start looking and see with what frecuence a useful car came out... Craiglist can be a good place to start, dont you think??

So.. you´re possitive about the searching of a little coupé?... i have to pick a car that is economical, that´s not a show off car and that is reliable for making the hole trip... I´ve owned 2 1966, one of those had an I6 from factory and even the car wasn´t not that well kept, mechanical it was really strong... Besides, is a confortable car and it may be the cheapest one to get ready for the long ride...

Does anyone know an aproximation of the distance by rute between the mexican - american boarder to any close place here in south america? I didn´t find some facts about that yet...

Hi Damian -

I think you're approaching your dream very sensibly, and I admire you my friend! That is exactly what I would do (and have done, to some degree) as a young adventurer. And 1 or 2 years of planning sound about right.

I've heard of bad stories about Americans travelling to Central and South America, but not of Central/South Americans making the trip. As mentioned, embassies in foreign countries only have a small amount of influence over their host country when it comes to protecting their citizens abroad. So, avoiding any conflict would be the desired approach.

I like your idea alot, and would like to help as I'm able. I think Eric's idea to document it would be a lot of fun, and perhaps might earn some gas money as well. How much experience do you and the girlfriend have shooting video?

Let's keep talking about this and again, one or two years of planning will definitely be worthwhile.

Well Doc, thanks for ALL of your words!... You know... i´m not an adventurer myself... i´m more like a guy who works 12 hours a day to keep growing and that makes me happy... But i think there has to be a moment of "do the thing of your life"... i´m always trying to find things and moments to achieve some of the dreams that comes to mind... I just think me and my girl deserves some quality time and quality memories...

This is it... I may not travel anymore in my life after this trip, but if it came together, i´m sure i wont have the need for traveling arround the world anymore... my story will be the story of crossing 2 continents with no more than a 40 year old, classic and historical car... What else can i ask!?

But every plan has to be sharp because noone wants to make it a nightmare....

I already contact the USA embassy here in Uruguay, wondering if my plan is legal!... je... The answered my e-mail was forward to an especific section that would have the right answer so... as I said, first things first...

Lets find EVERYTHING out and plan step by step all the journey.. that´s where we are and certainly, i don´t feel alone in the searching is you guys are here giving me your thoughts...

BTW... If you wanna do something like this... YOU CERTAINLY CAN Doc... come on! What difficult can it be for any of you to spend some money on gas, some time with the lady, with the hole family experience new things... What i´m planning to do it is too long for people who has family, responsabilities and etcs... But anyone can organice and do a 2K miles with the supercars you all own ;)

Pleaser keep posting, it´s really helpful to read your ideas...

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