Midlife Harness Restorations will be down for a while


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Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
My Car
No Mustangs at the moment.
I'm very sad to state that my house and garage have to have all of their contents removed for repairs to the walls and ceilings beginning the last week in May.  The General Contractor said 6-9 months for all of the work to be done, but I'm hoping the garage will be done a bit sooner than the house, as it doesn't need flooring repairs.  I'm retiring from my day job mid-May, so I was planning on working more on the harness stuff after then, but the Hurricane sort of put a crimp in those plans.

Anyway, if you need any wiring work done, please get it in to me by mid-May at the latest.  Once the tools, supplies, electricity, etc. is removed, the only thing I can do is offer advice. 

I'll post once the business is up and running again, but for a few months, I simply can't do anything.  Sorry...

Sorry to hear of this but glad you are ok. Hopefully things will progress on the quicker time estimate. I always appreciate your humorous comments on the site.

Well that sucks for sure.

Maybe you need to move to higher ground.

I hope your insurance company is better than Allstate. Had a water line break while I was in China. Ran for days 7" of water in basement. They tore the floors out, walls, insulation and cabinets out of kitchen and laundry and left. Allstate paid to tear it out but never paid a cent to fix anything cost me a lot of money. I have no insurance now they dropped me also.

No flooding here; all wind damage and related rain/water damage. I do have Allstate and they have been absolutely wonderful to work with. My head adjuster is a delight to talk to, and they have bent over backwards to ensure that I get all damage repaired to new condition. They pay my extra utility bills (the house has no insulation and barely any ceilings), paying for moving and storage by a moving company, paying for trailer rent (I am leasing it to myself), covered more than fair the contents that were damaged, etc. I could not ask for a better experience.

Now would be a good time to consider a 6-9 month holiday in Europe. However holiday would be a misrepresentation of why you should come to Europe for 6-9 months. I am sure you would be none stop with business. I would be the first in line to get my wiring updated :D

Last day to receive harnesses is May 23; I will be down until November/December timeframe. I'll post when the business is backup and running.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but I do have to get the house and garage repaired due to damage from Hurricane Michael, which requires everything removed from the dwellings.

Last day to receive harnesses is May 23; I will be down until November/December timeframe.  I'll post when the business is backup and running.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but I do have to get the house and garage repaired due to damage from Hurricane Michael, which requires everything removed from the dwellings.

Good luck with the repairs. I hope you are back in business as soon as possible.

