More mystery wires in engine bay by firewall

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Went to the garage to take pictures of the brackets and clips on my valve covers, saw how bad my wiper motor looked and lost another day in the Garage. Anyway, here are some pics. I have two clips on the left for the harness and 2 on the right for vacuum hoses. Added some pic showing how I think wires are used.

Oil pressure.

Choke, Coil, Temperature


Red Green-Coil+

White/Black-Choke?-12V when "Running"?

AC, Throttle Solenoid and Emissions. I have a 73 Q code without AC and a Manual Trans, so nothing was ever hooked up to these wires.

Red/Yellow Hash-12V when "On" - and Brown/Yellow Dot-Emissions

Red/Yellow Hash Wire - Throttle-12V when "On".

The electrical Emissions stuff seems to come into play with a Auto Transmission.

I do not have an AT, but I THINK it goes like this: I could be WAY off.

With a 351c and a 4 Bbl Carb an EGR Solenoid was added front/left and used the red and brown wires?

With a 351c and a 2 Bbl Carb the 2 wire Solenoid moved to the right/rear and another Solenoid with check/spark delay went on the front/left and used a single Brown/Yellow Dot wire? Takes a different harness that has red and brown Emission wires branching off with the Oil Pressure wire and a single brown wire running to the front? Either way, this stuff messed up the vacuum signal to the trans modulator and it needed a second vacuum source.

The other harness


So what was the original question?? Oh yeah...what is this wire (#4) for? I almost forgot. :shootself:

I feel like a broken record, but here I go again...

More mystery wires under the hood by the firewall.  Hopefully easy to ID for someone...I hope...

#1 from main harness near brake master - weird clip/plug.

#2 larger cut wire.

#3 back of intake manifold

#4 thru center / top of firewall

i think number 4 wire is for the auto trans shiftier illumination . a plug comes up from the trans and plugs into it
