My grandfather and his old work truck

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Mar 10, 2011
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1971 Boss 351
1971 Mustang Sportsroof
1972 Q Code 4-speed conv.

While I never met him as he was already deceased on my birth, this is a picture of my dad's father (my grandfather) Thomas L. Cantwell, taken about 1922. He worked for Magnolia Petroleum Co. in and around the Ada, Oklahoma area delivering fuel oil. Back in those days fuel oil was used for heating and lighting. I have held onto and kept this picture relatively private for many years but for some reason I thought it was time to share. Maybe it is just the season and my heavy-heart from memories shared by both my mother and father who have both passed. Sure miss them and my younger sister (only sibling) a lot during the holidays!

The truck is a Wichita, built by the Wichita Falls Motor Company in Wichita Falls Texas. I think it about a 1919-1920 model.

Anyway I am reminded to be thankful for what friends and family I DO HAVE ::thumb::

so --- Merry Christmas to all my good friends here on 7173MUSTANGS.COM!



Christmas is a family time, it is natural that your subconscious automatically takes you there.

BTW Great photo - family history is fantastic, they were young folks doing what they did not part of history, the changes our grandparents and parents generations have seen makes ours seem so small.

Here is something from my memories. My grandmother was born in Feb 1900 and died in November 2000. It blows my mind that she lived through 2 world wars, full industrialisation, exploration into space and also raised 12 children. She was the coolest old lady, sharp as a tack and a barrel of laughs.

Great Photo. Cool story. When I lived in Dubuque my house was built in 1921 and still has the gas piping going to the light fixtures on the 1st floor.

Here is one for you. My Great Grandfather owned several dealerships in the Fort Worth area back in the 20's and 30's. Here is one of his ads from 1927.

1927 car ad.JPG

Here is one for you. My Great Grandfather owned several dealerships in the Fort Worth area back in the 20's and 30's. Here is one of his ads from 1927.
Wow! It looks like no one want Dodges even then.:p Chuck

Great pic Ray and thanks for sharing it with all of us here. I love looking at old pics and wondering what things were like then or what they were thinking or doing, just a snapshot in time. My father has some old photos of his family when they migrated from Germany in the late 1800's that he repaired himself after "experts" told him they couldn't be done properly. After researching and trial and error on some old crappy photos, he done an amazing job and does some for his friends here and there.

What makes laugh in those photos he has, they all use to get dressed up in their Sunday best just to get a photo done, then again it was an expensive exercise back then. Merry Christmas and all the best to you Ray.

Here is one for you. My Great Grandfather owned several dealerships in the Fort Worth area back in the 20's and 30's. Here is one of his ads from 1927.
Thanks everyone. It hits on lots of cool levels. Petroliana, antique truck, old town history, old work portrait and I'm sure a few more. (like the tags folks use these days)

OK Jason - & others dig through those old pics and post some more really old ones up.



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