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Apr 19, 2011
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San Jose, CA
My Car
1971 M-code Grande
They want to cut funding to NASA.

Where else are you going to get a

picture like this? From where the

picture was taken, Cassini Orbiter,

it would take about 1.5 hours to reach

Earth at the speed of light. The little

blue dot is Earth.





  • PIA17171.tiff
    2.3 MB

Cut funding to programs that actually create new technologies, and make existing technologies better and cheaper.

Our country has become so short sighted, it is pathetic.

private sector will do a much better job.

course our government is murdering the private sector.

Lots of people think NASA is breaking the budget....News show some big numbers to make people think we are wasting money in space and they should get this money to use on people "rolls eyes"...They are only using 0.1 too 0.5% of the Fed budget...So 99.5 too 99.9% of all the Fed budget goes to our hog of a goverment ....For that .1% we get a hell of a deal i think..Not for the space race we would not even be online right now....Big supporter of our space program..Its sad to see people thinking that if they cutt NASA budget that they will magicaly get this extra right.

Like looking at all them pictures..Got that one above saved and many others...Cassini and hue was some of the coolest so far....The landing on Titan and pictures they got...Amazing..And some of the other moons...just too cool too me...And worth every penny i will never see anyways ;)

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Well, if we just stop giving away money away to other governments (aka North Korea), that would be a good start.
