need 429/460 help please

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Thanks for all the well wishes. I just got back home and feel ok, a little pain but doing ok. The Doc got in there and decided that I'm bone on bone and he can't do anything for it. Back to square one. I'm off work for a week, and the wife is making sure I stay of it as much as possible. What a wasted trip.

The bad thing is that there is a big Mustang show in the next town over. :mad: I MAY still go if I feel up to it. I have crutches so that helps some. If I go, I'll post some pics.

I really like the looks of that 521 stroker kit.....thanks for posting the link. I already have a buddy that might be interested in the short block.

Anywho, Thanks again. Chris

Steve, I suppose I'll live with it. I have for 20 years. So far I've been able to talk them out of doing a full knee replacement, but that's ultimately what it may come down to. I really don't know where we are going from here. I was hoping that the doctors would fix the knee, so we could move on to my hips and compressed spine.

For now I'll keep working on my hot OWN therapy. The wife has a honey-do list for the house too. I'm not going to let it get me down. Every setback just irritates me, which reminds me that I still live....which is a plus.

Darn, I just realized I hyjacked my own thread.....HAHA. Enough about the medical crap....back to thinking about that 521. :D

