I purchased my southern Arizona completely rust free, never wrecked 1973 H code for $6,000 with a 1971 running Grande parts car. The Grande is just that - a parts car. My Mach 1 did not run and was minus the transmission and radiator (hince the parts car). The interior needs a new headliner and a new carpet but is otherwise complete and not tattered.
That is real world rust free pricing.
Thank you Steven Harris. This is closer to what I expected when I first started researching this car. Some of the key elements of this car are the current owner being the 2nd owner. I'm basing a lot of my discussion/actions on "his word" and he's always been straight with me. I've been told repeatedly, the car has never been wrecked, never even been damaged, and I've seen first-hand the condition of the tin. I've been told, and related to you all, why the car is apart and I believe the owner. He says he has all the necessary equipment to bring the car to drivable condition in less than a week. I have, in fact, urged him to clean up and reassemble the car to show prospective buyers the car runs, drives, and to give them a better idea of the overall condition of the car.
Now for the bad news! I finally had the owner give me his final "lowest acceptable" number. Wow! Unfortunately, I've also been asked not to divulge that number while the car is going through this initial round of discussion, advertisement, etc. NOT trying to pull any quick ones here, I'm just following through on the owner's wishes.
I've sold a lot of cars, trucks, motorcycles, tractors, etc., including quite a few for a number of my friends. Sold on eBay, Craigslist, local advertising, word of mouth, etc., and people will tell you I try to be straightforward and painfully honest. To that end I've told the owner I think he's really high on his pricing...but, IT IS his car and I am only working on the sale of the car, given that I WON'T buy it at his price. So, I'm not competing with anyone with an interest in this car and I'm not going to be a factor in the price of the car.
If you want to see it in it's current eBay listing,
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mach-I-/190851852686?_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&forcev4exp=true here it is.