old coffee maker percolator


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Apr 16, 2011
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1973 mach 1
Thought this was neat old peice of history i found in my buddies storage unit...They said it didnt work and i could have it...I got it working..woot..Did a cheezy vid on it working..lol..But damn..i sure enjoy the coffee it makes... 1914..allmost 100 year old electric coffee maker still doing its job...hehe

mmmmmm coffeeeeee hehe

Thought this was neat old peice of history i found in my buddies storage unit...They said it didnt work and i could have it...I got it working..woot..Did a cheezy vid on it working..lol..But damn..i sure enjoy the coffee it makes... 1914..allmost 100 year old electric coffee maker still doing its job...hehe

mmmmmm coffeeeeee hehe

AWSOME ! They don't make em like they used to :p We have an old stove top peculator from the early 50's every so often I break that baby out on a winter sunday morning..The aroma it creates in the house is just plain heaven..Think I will break it out tomorrow morning :p

AWSOME ! They don't make em like they used to :p We have an old stove top peculator from the early 50's every so often I break that baby out on a winter sunday morning..The aroma it creates in the house is just plain heaven..Think I will break it out tomorrow morning :p

I like the stove top perks too...I hear some people complaining about the perk coffee tasting burnt...But are old perk from the 60's and this one from 1914...make smoother coffee with same amount of grounds than my newer pots....i can put more grounds in this one than i can my new ones...holds only about 8 cups thou...But wow it can make some mud if you need...or weak as you need...And no grounds getting by...and look..its 100 years old allmost..and still working..hehe..I would like too see a new mr coffee last that long<~~even with filter water i burnt them up in less than a year..lol

I think my mom still has one like that. I should ask her if shell give it to me...she's always trying to give me stuff like that.

I think my mom still has one like that. I should ask her if shell give it to me...she's always trying to give me stuff like that.
I would snag that sucker up..Im happy with it...I even dug out one of them old usless silver dinning trays everyone has and never uses..and sat it on it with some cups...wow..looks impressive!! lol

I remember my mom and dad had one just like that ....and they used it until the early 70's when it finally gave up.
What a life span!! The new percolators dont last:( junk....<~~atleast the ones i ran into...Regular coffee pots the same...But i go on youtube and watching people making coffee on percolators they had sence the 1950's and used every day....they dont want to make them like they use too..then we wouldnt need new ones...lol

this one..i thought was dead..but like i said in the video...i just messed with a thermal spring fuse thing on the bottom..i looked inside i could tell it just made some contacts..and it wasnt all the way tight...so i tightened it.....plugged it in for one last try..and it fired right up....i guess this was one of the first pots that was known for "not" burning your house down..hehe

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Wow, it's been a long time side I've seen one of those. It's the only coffee maker I remember growing up. And my wife and I have had dozens of them in our adult life. They sure don'tmake them like they used to. Our latest, the keurig, lasted a whole 8 months before it's first problem.

When I was in the Navy back in 1973, I was on an old WW2 destroyer.I ran the evaporators and the coffee pot was my job. We had a perk that was electric and had been on the boart since it was new probably. Well me being the new and not a coffee drinker at the time,I scrubbed the pot clean Not a smart thing to do! I caught so much crap for that stunt. It took a few times to get it back right. Take it from me just flush and fill!

Ok, now I have to ask her for it. I have coffee pot envy.

How long do you let it percolate before it is finished?

I been letting this one go about 10 min or more....Seems to make a good strong cup at about 10 min..and gets nice and hot....i notice some people online only let there perks go for about 7minish....i like my coffee strong thou...lol...im not sure yet f this pot has a auto turn off...but i dout it...lol...so i keep a eye on it like a hawk...But its worth the coffee it brews...I got some freinds coming over today just to try it out... cause they seen my video online of it..lol..classic coffee..brings back memories:)

When I was in the Navy back in 1973, I was on an old WW2 destroyer.I ran the evaporators and the coffee pot was my job. We had a perk that was electric and had been on the boart since it was new probably. Well me being the new and not a coffee drinker at the time,I scrubbed the pot clean Not a smart thing to do! I caught so much crap for that stunt. It took a few times to get it back right. Take it from me just flush and fill!
Now thats a good classic story!! Ya i know some coffee drinkers get mad if you wash there cup!! just flush and fill..hehe...I did clean this one a bit...Heck..100 years old and in a storage unit...i figured it needed a little....i wiped it out...even wiped with a little clean toliet paper..give it the white glove check}...i couldnt get one nasty out of it!! sucker was clean as hell..lol

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I been letting this one go about 10 min or more....Seems to make a good strong cup at about 10 min..and gets nice and hot....i notice some people online only let there perks go for about 7minish....i like my coffee strong thou...lol...im not sure yet f this pot has a auto turn off...but i dout it...lol...so i keep a eye on it like a hawk...But its worth the coffee it brews...I got some freinds coming over today just to try it out... cause they seen my video online of it..lol..classic coffee..brings back memories:)
You could always modernize it with one of those timers that plug into the wall. Just set it for whatever time in the morning then 10 minutes after that set it to turn off. That'll be my plan if I get my mom's old one & if so it'll be good bye Mr. Coffee. :D

Lmao...Don. Great idea!!!...Think ill go to the store and find one for it...and i just stuck my krups pot away...This pot makes way better coffee with same amount of grounds...lol
