This thread has taken an interesting turn into intake manifold gasket installation. All this info is very useful because that's one of the upgrades I may plan for the future. I was a bit lost when you guys where talking about "Turkey Pans", but after looking at a few pictures in the internet now I know what it is. While I was looking at intake manifold gaskets I read a lot about some people suggesting to not use the heat risers while others opine towards keeping them. I was not able to understand what's the heat riser had to do with the intake manifold gasket. I thought the heat riser was the flex tube coming off the exhaust used to heat the air into the air filter, but I am assuming there is something else related to the intake manifold. Please enlighten me because I am a bit lost.
Another question. One of my future plans is to add headers. In my engine I see that the engine hooks are attached to the iron exhaust manifold. Now, once the headers are installed, where do those hooks attach to. Still to the manifold's bolts or is there something else? Also, to install headers, do you lift the engine out, or can it be done in the little space between the block and apron?