Rear window time for 2000 f150

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May 15, 2011
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My Car
1971 Mach 1 Mustang
Hey guys, i was just wondering if anyone could tell me how many hours the books pay to remove and install a rear window glass for a 2000 f150. Over the weekend I was cutting wood and a log hit my rear window and POW!!!! So my insurance company wants to send out a company that messed it all up last time and I dont want them to do it. So the insurance said for me to buy the window and install myself and give them the reciept for materials and my time. i was just curious as to what the books say a job like that pays in hrs??? safelite did it last time when i accidently put my quad through the back window. They broke off a bolt in the frame of the window, got the butyl black strip on my rear seat, bent the hell out of my headliner, broke 2 clips off my side trim moldings by the seatbelts, and left glass all through the bed of my truck. To do it right it looks like you need to remove the back seat and headliner so you dont trash it like they did. So if any of you guys have those fancy books that tells you how long it should take , I would be intertested in hearing about it!!

Thanks Kevin

Kevin, the insurance co. should cover the supplemental damage caused by Safelite.

Should qualify as a "comeback" or a "redo". The job should be delivered back to you in the quality that the vehicle was in up to the broken window, including the bolt and glass shard cleanup.

They do it for shoddy bodywork by body shops all of the time. I see it happen daily.

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Yeah I wasnt very happy with them at all. They did come back out to reseal the window after it leaked. I mentioned the glass in the bed and they said they would take care of it and left with out sweeping it up. I called a local glass shop and they said $505 installed or If i just want to buy it $185. I figure I will have 5 or 6 hours in cleaning up and installing the new window. Insurance said they would reimburse me $40/hr for my time. Does 5-6 hrs seem fair? Thats probably what i will have into it doing it right, but im sure safelite does it ALOT faster with piss poor results.
