Rust Treatment

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Feb 16, 2011
Reaction score
Monument, Colorado
My Car
1972 Sport Roof
I posted an update in the "What Did You Do To Your Car Today" thread, but thought this deserves its own thread. I was planning on using the rust bullet/sponge trick that Scott (QCode351Mach) uses, but found this stuff. I looked it up on "the google" and it has pretty good reviews and comments on other threads, but since it's still pretty new stuff there's not much long term feedback. The application would be easier than the rust bullet trick and looks like it would get all the crevices (I don't have an A/C to spray the rust bullet, so I'd be stuck using the sponge trick). I'm going to rust bullet the floorpans, interior roof, and all the other easy to reach places, but I'm concerned about the areas I can't easily access. What does everyone think about the Eastwood Internal Frame Coating? Anybody use it or know someone who has?

I posted an update in the "What Did You Do To Your Car Today" thread, but thought this deserves its own thread. I was planning on using the rust bullet/sponge trick that Scott (QCode351Mach) uses, but found this stuff. I looked it up on "the google" and it has pretty good reviews and comments on other threads, but since it's still pretty new stuff there's not much long term feedback. The application would be easier than the rust bullet trick and looks like it would get all the crevices (I don't have an A/C to spray the rust bullet, so I'd be stuck using the sponge trick). I'm going to rust bullet the floorpans, interior roof, and all the other easy to reach places, but I'm concerned about the areas I can't easily access. What does everyone think about the Eastwood Internal Frame Coating? Anybody use it or know someone who has?
Do a test..Take 2 pieces of rusty metal..Coat 1 with the eastwood the other with rust bullet..allow the proper dry times..hang both in a bucket of water..Let us know the results :D

I posted an update in the "What Did You Do To Your Car Today" thread, but thought this deserves its own thread. I was planning on using the rust bullet/sponge trick that Scott (QCode351Mach) uses, but found this stuff. I looked it up on "the google" and it has pretty good reviews and comments on other threads, but since it's still pretty new stuff there's not much long term feedback. The application would be easier than the rust bullet trick and looks like it would get all the crevices (I don't have an A/C to spray the rust bullet, so I'd be stuck using the sponge trick). I'm going to rust bullet the floorpans, interior roof, and all the other easy to reach places, but I'm concerned about the areas I can't easily access. What does everyone think about the Eastwood Internal Frame Coating? Anybody use it or know someone who has?
Do a test..Take 2 pieces of rusty metal..Coat 1 with the eastwood the other with rust bullet..allow the proper dry times..hang both in a bucket of water..Let us know the results :D
I've got plenty of rusty metal! I think I'll do that...anything that makes the process easier but still works is good IMO. Why doesn't rust bullet make an aerosol product for weekend warriors like me? I'd think they'd be able to make a killing with something like that.

I posted an update in the "What Did You Do To Your Car Today" thread, but thought this deserves its own thread. I was planning on using the rust bullet/sponge trick that Scott (QCode351Mach) uses, but found this stuff. I looked it up on "the google" and it has pretty good reviews and comments on other threads, but since it's still pretty new stuff there's not much long term feedback. The application would be easier than the rust bullet trick and looks like it would get all the crevices (I don't have an A/C to spray the rust bullet, so I'd be stuck using the sponge trick). I'm going to rust bullet the floorpans, interior roof, and all the other easy to reach places, but I'm concerned about the areas I can't easily access. What does everyone think about the Eastwood Internal Frame Coating? Anybody use it or know someone who has?
Do a test..Take 2 pieces of rusty metal..Coat 1 with the eastwood the other with rust bullet..allow the proper dry times..hang both in a bucket of water..Let us know the results :D
I've got plenty of rusty metal! I think I'll do that...anything that makes the process easier but still works is good IMO. Why doesn't rust bullet make an aerosol product for weekend warriors like me? I'd think they'd be able to make a killing with something like that.
Because it's a product made for pro's not diy'ers..Here's what you really need

You can make something very similar using a large syringe

Get the syringes..get some semi flexible tubing..plug the end of the tube..drill some small holes around the end of the tube..fill the syringe & inject away !

I am going to use 2 coats of Armerlock 400 which is a DTR industrial rust inhibiting epoxy paint rather than Rust Bullet.

It basically the same type of paint and about $80-$90 /gal

I am going to use black in the engine bay and under the car, and have it tinted to the interior colour for the trunk, interor area.

I have been using Rust Check rust converter, letting it wick threw the lap seams.

If the seam is tight it should be fine, it its bulged what else can you do short of opening up the seam to clean it.

The Eastwood internal frame coating is a zinc rich paint.

Zinc paints have very good rust protection when applied on steel that have been surface prep to SSPC 10 near white blast, it's also porous so you alway have to top coat them.

I do like the method that Eastwood has to get in the inclosed spots.

This is better than nothing but will pop after 1 year becuase it can't adhere to rust.

The Armerlock 400 or Rust Bullet are specifically designed to be applied on steel that can only be hand clean with wire brushes.

I have seen Amerlock 400 hold up for 20 years.

There is no one part paint system that would last more than one year on un-blasted steel.

I like the link to the spray probe, thats what i have been trying to find

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i was going to go with rust bullett but i found a product here locally thats called "chassis saver" it was always hosted on the show called "gearz".

i coated the floor boards with it, the inside of my fenders, my new un-bent axle housing, and soon to be my trunk area.

i was going to go with rust bullett but i found a product here locally thats called "chassis saver" it was always hosted on the show called "gearz".

i coated the floor boards with it, the inside of my fenders, my new un-bent axle housing, and soon to be my trunk area.
Guy''s the bottom line..Lots of products out there that make lot's of claims that they are the best...I've used almost all of them in the course of my over 25 years of doing restorations & auto body collision repair. NOT ONE of them has a patent EXCEPT for rust bullet & not one of them has done independent lab testing on their product except rust bullet. I've learned the hard way that when doing this type of work that looking to save a few bucks on materials always comes back to bite you in the butt. I'd like to see the "other products" do some independent lab testing then make it public. :D

A friend of mine bought two cans of this and we tried it out on his car and my mustang. It is very easy to apply but only time will tell if it'll last. If any rust occur I'll let you know especially with winter coming up and salted road his car will be putting this stuff to the test. If you are going to do an experiment don't just submerge the metal in water, put it in a container with salt water and allow it to evaporate. This will speed up the rusting process.

A friend of mine bought two cans of this and we tried it out on his car and my mustang. It is very easy to apply but only time will tell if it'll last. If any rust occur I'll let you know especially with winter coming up and salted road his car will be putting this stuff to the test. If you are going to do an experiment don't just submerge the metal in water, put it in a container with salt water and allow it to evaporate. This will speed up the rusting process. need to do any test it's already been done for you ! heres the saltwater test.. I feel bad for all the suckers who have used por-15 !

No I meant for this frame coating. In fact I think I will do this experiment, and post the results, with a couple of things including rustbullet and this frame coating.

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