Well, the concrete guys blew us off and didn't come back that Friday. In fact, they blew off the whole following week, which was a pisser because it was awesome weather... and also because it rained like a biyatch from that week's Friday through the following Wednesday. They FINALLY showed up last Thursday to form up the driveway-side of the retaining wall, and poured it. Then came last Friday to form-up and pour the last part of the retaining wall... and came back Monday to remove the forms.
Sunday, we started putting the fence back up. Since it was built on a sloped yard (and is now level on the wall), I removed all of the right-side screws in the pickets (2 in each stringer, for a total of 6 in each picket), and 'skewed' the fence into shape. Only had to adjust a few pickets, and I need to rip down a few on the table saw for them to fit again, but all-in-all it was pretty successful.
Monday, the pool guys showed up and leveled out the yard by backfilling the huge dirt-pile into the retaining wall. Then came back Tuesday to smooth out the rough on the floor.
Today was a good day - thanks to my pal Jim, we were able to get the fence reinstalled since starting Sunday (a few sections each night until getting the rest of it done today). The past few days have been about prepping the floor with some kind of weird flexible concrete like stuff, which had them putting the liner in today. Still gotta come back for plumbing and electrical for the filter and pump equipment, but there's a hose hanging over the side with water flowing as I write this.
OK - here's a few pics:
OK - so after a week of nothing, then 3 days the following week of rain, the concrete guys showed up to form up and pour the driveway side of the retaining wall. Easy enough, they got here at 0730, and were gone by 1:00PM.
Since the chute on the cement truck wouldn't reach all the way up the driveway, the guys had to wheel barrow it all the way up.
After coming by earlier in the week to smooth the rough surfaces and form up the floor with some weird flexible concrete 'stuff,' Craig the pool guy is cleaning up edges and getting ready to hang the liner.
The pool guys are smoothing the liner and cutting in the jets, skimmers, drains, the light, and steps. At the end of the day, there was a hose hung over the side with water flowing. Still gotta come back for electrical and plumbing for the pump and filter equipment.
Up next: 800 sq feet of sod coming sometime next week to finish up the other side of the yard - after I bury the new lawn circuit for the sprinkler system, that is.