I actually had an accident about 15 years ago. I was driving a 4runner that sometimes will kick out of gear. I parked at a rental movie place (yes, we used to drive to a place to rent movies back then) to return a movie and didn't apply the e-brake. This took probably a minute and when I came back I didn't see my car parked. When I looked around I see my car going backwards down the driveway and then across the street. Bad luck had its way that a car was driving by and T-boned my truck. The kid in the car couldn't figure out what was going on until I told him that it was my truck but I was not in it. The cops came and they told me they needed to give me a ticket but they needed to look in the book to see what kind of ticket to give me. Eventually they gave me a "Failure to Keep Car Under Control" ticket and fine. I went to the hearing and pleaded not guilty. Eventually the fine was reduced. I think it was like $40 or something.