Speaking of beers...And you of you tried?


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Apr 16, 2011
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1973 mach 1
Midas touch? I been wanting to try this for years..But its kinda hard to find..Its 9% alcohall..And alot of reviews say it goes down super smooth for such a high content...Pretty much a mead mix with beer allmost..lol..I read alot on the story..And its the real deal.. Dogfish's Midas Touch recipe is based off of chemical analysis of residues found in clay vessels belonging to King Midas and dating back to the eighth century BC. At the time of its release, it was the oldest fermented beverage in the world...A chance to drink history...A kings funeral beer...I got too find it!! Only bad thing..I have to drive 300 miles to the closes place that sells it..lol


Midas touch? I been wanting to try this for years..But its kinda hard to find..Its 9% alcohall..And alot of reviews say it goes down super smooth for such a high content...Pretty much a mead mix with beer allmost..lol..I read alot on the story..And its the real deal.. Dogfish's Midas Touch recipe is based off of chemical analysis of residues found in clay vessels belonging to King Midas and dating back to the eighth century BC. At the time of its release, it was the oldest fermented beverage in the world...A chance to drink history...A kings funeral beer...I got too find it!! Only bad thing..I have to drive 300 miles to the closes place that sells it..lol

Okay, I just had to find this. Couldn't near my work in Seattle, but I did find it near my home after my commute back to Lynnwood. Whooo...I'll admit this is good stuff and after the crappy day I just had, this really hit the spot. Much thanks! :D


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Okay, I just had to find this. Couldn't near my work in Seattle, but I did find it near my home after my commute back to Lynnwood. Whooo...I'll admit this is good stuff and after the crappy day I just had, this really hit the spot. Much thanks! :D


Lmao!! Im jelous now..hehe..But good to hear another good review...only 2 places in washington state carry it "last time i looked" up in your neck of the woods...and spokane...Both is a hell of a drive from me just to try some beer...lol...Im going to have too look again now.
