So… I went silent on my carb issues until I had something to say that wasn’t just complaining lol. I have been working hard behind the scenes to address my Q-Jet woes on this car.
As I have learned and really, I already knew when I first purchased the carb in 2017, it is always a crapshoot when you purchase a 46 year old carb that meets your requirements for #’s and date code matching and has been concours rebuilt to look pretty. It looked good but ran like shi_, no matter how we tried to tune the carb on my engine. Cue my search for a GM oriented rebuild specialist and I thought I had found one with a company called Quadrajet Performance in Texas. They were difficult to talk too and really did not want to discuss the issues I was having before taking the carb apart. They rebuilt it as they saw fit. Of course after hundreds of $$ spent , it still ran like shi_ when I put it back on the engine. Slightly better, but you can see the results when you look at my spark plugs in the photo. That was 10 minutes of run time… I was still determined to find someone who could help me get the carb to work. I simply refuse to alter the originality of the car after all the work I put into it in its restoration. This is why it has sat in my garage for almost 4 year since I completed the restoration…
I Joined a Rochester Q-Jet Facebook page, probably the only Ford guy on there lol. I have to say this group was awesome to talk too and offered a lot of help. One man in particular, Ray Klemm stood out as extremely knowledgeable as to my issues. I was to learn that he had and still does work with Cliffs Performance Carburetor’s out of Ohio (wish I had come across his site first...). Cliff is well known as one of the guru's on the Q-Jet carburetor scene in the GM world. Ray and Cliff are friends and still work together when issues such as mine pop up. Together they went through my carb, and rebuilt it to match the specifics of my rebuilt 429cj engine. In reality, you build a carb to match the engine, not the engine to match the carb, right? They then ran the carburetor on a test engine to confirm its proper operation.
I won’t get into specifically what they did to the carb, but it was extensive. Carburetor guys know that every little tweak can significantly alter how the engine will run. The Q-Jet is just a precise and finicky piece of equipment…I’ll post some of that info a bit later.
For now, after talking to Ray on the phone yesterday, the carburetor is being returned to me today and I should have it in a week or so. Car guys are awesome when it comes to helping other car guys, no matter what Brand of vehicle you subscribe too. Ray and Cliff worked on my carb at no labour and time spent costs to me… Ray was sympathetic to my trials and tribulations and just genuinely wanted to help me finally resolve my concerns. Shipping and a couple new parts, that’s it, for a total of $85… If anyone is interested, PM me and I will provide Ray's contact info in case there are any other 429 Q-Jet guys here looking for expertise in this area.
What I do know today, is that all my years of frustration with this carburetor was warranted. It wasn’t my ability or lack thereof to be able to tune it; the carb was simply not built to run on my engine as is.
The true test comes when I reinstall it on my CJ engine and fire it up. I’ll update you further at that time