What's in a name?


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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
Coastal Alabama
My Car
'72 Q code Mach 1
Austin Vert (Greg) suggested a great idea...

Hi to all staff members,

I am inviting staff feedback on a suggestion i would like to put forward for a better, warmer and a more friendly Forum experience for all Forum members.

Since i have been a member of the Forum, i have posted and replied many times to all sorts of topics, and of course reached out and communicated with many Forum members. From my own personal experience, there have been many,many times when i wanted to respond to the person, and use their christian name, for a MORE personal, warm and friendly approach to the reply. A matter of respect if you like.

But the problem for me has been that I never went to the trouble of tabulating a list of first names of members as they have bobbed up along the way.  Therefore, I DO have trouble remembering members first names sometimes, and I find that somewhat embarrassing for me.:blush:

So my proposal is along the lines of setting up a special section in the FORUM area, that acts like a private reference library for any Forum member to access when needed to obtain a first name for their own usage.  The listings would simply show the Forum members official name like    Austin Vert --- Greg and be alphabetically listed.    

I realize that some Forum members would have a sensitivity to showing their first names in the library, so on that basis, participation would be non compulsory, leaving only the first names of members who would not mind their first names being put in the library.

(now what was your name again?):D

Greg.:)  (The warm and friendly guy):p  

So please make a post telling everyone your first name and one of the staff members will add you to the list below. ;)

Staff first names:

72HCODE --- Dan

73vertproject --- Doc

Austin Vert --- Greg

Boss1Ray --- Ray

c9zx --- Chuck

caspianwendell --- Wendell

Cobra3073 --- BT

Don65Stang --- Don

droptop73 --- Jeff

goodnigh --- Mike

Hemikiller --- Dennis

inusa76 --- Iyman

luxstang --- Mike

mister 4x4 --- Eric

OLE PONY --- Mike

Qcode351mach --- Scott

Rocketfoot --- Barry

Tnfastbk --- Roy

Member first names:

1971Mach1MCODE --- Marcel

1971Ragtop --- Paul

1973grandeklar --- Les

1973_Mustang_Conv --- Ed


1bad71 --- Don

1DCstang --- Steve

1-Mach-1 --- Jay

71BossPrototype --- Andy

71Mach1Lady --- Karlene and Steve

71_ resurrection --- Nik

71mach351 --- Rick

71ponymaster --- Steve

72ConvertibleBuild --- Jim

72MustangSprint --- Joe

72 R Code --- Fred

73429mach --- Ryan

73' mach 1 --- Chris

73mach1 --- Jay

73MustangCoupe --- Ron

73pony --- Jason

73StangCoupe --- Pete

73Vert302 --- Jim

Adrian Clements --- Adrian

Alpineblue --- Keith

Amer Salhi --- Amer

Aaron_1973 --- Aaron

antipasti --- Andreas

aphaynes --- Alex

autocad --- John

Autoedit --- Jason

Beenie ---  Vincent

BeerDontCount --- Scott

Bentworker --- Peter

Big dog ---  Perrie

bigfoot72 --- Zak

Bill73Ragtop --- Bill

Biskit73 --- Chad

bkdunha --- Brian

blkulis --- Brian

Blmeis --- Brian

Blorpcandy --- Tyler

Bob429 --- Bob

bobmarlojill --- Bob J

BOSS351 --- John

Boss 351 --- Wade

boss351cj --- Dave

Brad_P --- Brad

BrewSTL --- Cody

Bru --- Don

Butch65 --- Butch

Canted 393 --- Dan

Carguy4sp --- Rodney

Carolina_Mountain_Mustangs --- David

cazsper --- Mike

Chopper --- Rich

cigarguy --- Todd

Cleveland Coupe --- Jay

Cobra2572 --- Dave

Coilwire --- Jim

computercarguy --- Rod

Countryboy93 --- Kevin

coupe351w --- Dean

cudak888 --- Kurt

dabowman --- Don

Daddyoh1972 --- Christine

dbye --- Dave

delawarebill --- bill

dexleo2 --- Travis

dhfawcett --- David

dhvidston --- Doug

digithead --- John

DK73 --- Lars

Don C --- Don

Doug The Dog --- Travis

Duck --- Klaus

EBSTANG --- Eric

eddyw --- Eddy

ejnonamaker --- Eric

Elizabeth73 --- Elizabeth

Fastbackjon --- Jon

fiamma --- Peter

Flatback72 --- Brett

fowl998 --- Craig

Gayle Force --- Mike

gohan14d1 --- Colby

glbecks --- Greg

Go Time --- Dennis

Gold Rush --- Rick

gpierce --- Greg

Grande-Bavaria --- Gunther

GravY --- Alex

greekstile --- Jason

Green 73 --- Derrick

gsmaggot --- George

Handmandan --- Dan

Harbernjero --- Claus

High Octane --- Ernie

Hightower --- Claus

hollenjoe --- Joe

JagDaniels --- Daniel

Jbojo --- John

JD79 --- Jeroen

Jeff73Mach1 --- Jeff

jeff8877 --- Jeff

jeremycfr --- Jeremy

JHawk635 --- John or Hawk or Hawks

Jim and Jutta --- Jim

jimbo --- Jim

joe59287 --- Joe

John J --- John

jpaz --- John

jsbcats --- Wes

Judge --- Mark

Kellogg --- Gavin

kidwithfastback=fast --- Kole

LCB1 --- Larry

Lduke12 --- Lee

Lekrut --- Lance

Lola 73 --- Lori

Luke --- Luke

Mac --- Mac

mach1daddy --- Henrik

Mach71351c --- Mike

machmeter1 --- Wolfgang

Mark73Mach1 --- Mark

Manu64 --- Emmanuel or Manuel or Manu.

manyo --- Manny

Mexican --- Lupe Ibarra

MeZapU --- Mike

MG42 --- Ed

mickus --- Mickus

midlife --- Randy

Mike429cj --- Mike

Mikes73 --- Mike

Mixedmuscle --- Gerry

mongos73cobrajet --- Richard

MotoArts --- Pete

mpbsr --- Mark

mrmach1 --- Frank

mtburger --- Mike

mustang68 --- Larry

mustang7173 --- David

Mustang Dynasty --- Mikke

Mustangfeverrr --- Daniel

Mustang Jacky --- Jacky

Musti --- Juergen

MY351C --- Mike

nailpounder --- Norm

nbracken --- Nigel

Nelsonlucero --- Nelson

NewAgeMuscle --- Adam

nickstewartroc --- Nick

NOT A T5 --- Terry

Not perfect --- Bob

not2old --- Alan

Ogoz23 --- Ozzie

Omie01 --- Omar

PADave --- Dave

Pastel Blue --- Ken

Paul4425 --- Paul

Pegleg --- Steve

pony ride --- Paul

ponypastor --- Tim

protouringstang73 --- Daniel

RacerX --- Curtis

rackerm --- Rich

red73 --- Bill

red73mustang --- Chet

Remington --- Patrick

rio1856 --- Mario

ripley --- Jeff

roadwarrior --- Tom

rocket366 --- Paul

rocro --- Ron

Rozz --- Tim

rpmcarter --- Dan

rtb713 --- Rick

rvrtrash --- Steve

Sadittyf --- Shane

scarpent1 --- Scott

scgamecock --- Wade

ScooterDog --- Don

sdstang --- Jim

Secluff --- Steve

Sequel88 --- Trent

shane351c --- Shane

Sharky --- Jon

Sharky1977 --- Mark

Shelby71 --- Edwin

shgrrttn --- Ritchie

spain72mustang --- Ron

Spechti --- Michael

stanger --- Shannon

Stanglover --- Geoff

Steve73QMach1 --- Steve

Steve@CJPonyParts --- Steve

svaasand --- Lars

Sydneydrumdr --- Dave

T-K --- Torgeir

T-Tom --- Tommy

Tegemus --- Barry

tempestairbrush --- Rick

Terlingula_RS --- Rick

The Frameman --- Robby  and Junko

The General --- Eric

TheRktmn --- Bob

Thin Lizzy --- Mark

timachone --- Tim

timsweet --- Tim

toastintx --- Johnny

TommyK --- Tom

Totalled --- Pat

Towson85 --- Pat

Tubo --- Corky

Turtle5353 --- Kevin

TxBoss23 --- Joel

vamach1 --- Rex

Vicus --- Frank

vintageman --- Tom

walterm --- Mark

waterlife --- Alex

whitesoc --- Ken

whitestripemustang --- Andreas

Wide-body71 --- Angelo

Wildchild250 --- Rachel

will e --- Mike

wjgrnp --- Ward

wpdj61 --- Scott

Wolverine --- James

woolznaz --- Mike

Wootdog --- Kerry

Zacks72 --- Rick

Hello to all Forum members,

I recently came up with this idea for the Forum, because it's always a friendly way to greet people and use their first name if you want, when you have something to say.

Thanks Don and the Forum Staff for your support on deciding to implement my idea and make it a reality.

On that basis, i would encourage any Forum member to come forward and pop your first name right here on this thread, so we can build a quick reference library of member's first names for all members to use when you might have forgotten their first name etc.

If you feel a bit uneasy about giving your first name on the forum, you could always use a substitute first name like TK or Tp for example. But again, i would encourage you to put forward your real first name, as this Forum is run and conducted on the basis of being a genuine, friendly and respectful place where folks can connect up and have a great time. Friendship and an open friendliness is always fostered on this Forum and enjoyed.

So please DO drop the Forum a line and leave your first name here. It all helps the Forum to be an even more great place to hang out and enjoy!:)

So when you need to use the library ------- Click on FORUM at the top of the Home page,

then Click on WELCOME



then click on WHAT'S IN A NAME

then just leave your first name in a post.

For a faster way to get straight to the thread to leave your name, or to use as a reference, use this link ----------- http://www.7173mustangs.com/thread-what-s-in-a-name--22663

Thanks folks,


Mark pointed it out. You can also put your name in your signature so that it always shows up under every post. See this post where mine is.

That can be done in the user CP.

That way you remind everyone of your name with every post.

If you can't find it, drop me a message and I will change it for you.


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