What's in a name?


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rio1856-Mario, I'm a Police Officer in Miami-Dade county for 26 years, hence 1856 is my police badge number.

I really enjoy this site !!
Hi there Mario,

I have logged you into the members library list.

Many thanks for making yourself known, and glad you are enjoying the Forum.

Greg. :)

Credo Systemz is the best software training institute in chennai..

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Hey this is a Mustang website, not a place for you to advertise. Jeez another one!

Kilgon - Steve - Cincinnati. Also be nice if we could do a search for other members in the area where we live. Could than contact them about local events and getting together. Right now there is no way of doing a search by location.

Last edited by a moderator:
Lazarus -> Mike


Austin Vert (Greg) suggested a great idea...

So please make a post telling everyone your first name and one of the staff members will add you to the list below. ;)

Staff first names:

72HCODE --- Dan

73vertproject --- Doc

Austin Vert --- Greg

Boss1Ray --- Ray

c9zx --- Chuck

caspianwendell --- Wendell

Cobra3073 --- BT

Don65Stang --- Don

droptop73 --- Jeff

goodnigh --- Mike

Hemikiller --- Dennis

inusa76 --- Iyman

luxstang --- Mike

mister 4x4 --- Eric

OLE PONY --- Mike

Qcode351mach --- Scott

Rocketfoot --- Barry

Tnfastbk --- Roy

Member first names:

1971Mach1MCODE --- Marcel

1971Ragtop --- Paul

1973grandeklar --- Les

1973_Mustang_Conv --- Ed


1bad71 --- Don

1DCstang --- Steve

1-Mach-1 --- Jay

71BossPrototype --- Andy

71Mach1Lady --- Karlene and Steve

71_ resurrection --- Nik

71mach351 --- Rick

71ponymaster --- Steve

72ConvertibleBuild --- Jim

72MustangSprint --- Joe

72 R Code --- Fred

73429mach --- Ryan

73' mach 1 --- Chris

73mach1 --- Jay

73MustangCoupe --- Ron

73pony --- Jason

73StangCoupe --- Pete

73Vert302 --- Jim

Adrian Clements --- Adrian

Alpineblue --- Keith

Amer Salhi --- Amer

Aaron_1973 --- Aaron

antipasti --- Andreas

aphaynes --- Alex

autocad --- John

Autoedit --- Jason

Beenie --- Vincent

BeerDontCount --- Scott

Bentworker --- Peter

Big dog --- Perrie

bigfoot72 --- Zak

Bill73Ragtop --- Bill

Biskit73 --- Chad

bkdunha --- Brian

blkulis --- Brian

Blmeis --- Brian

Blorpcandy --- Tyler

Bob429 --- Bob

bobmarlojill --- Bob J

BOSS351 --- John

Boss 351 --- Wade

boss351cj --- Dave

Brad_P --- Brad

BrewSTL --- Cody

Bru --- Don

Butch65 --- Butch

Canted 393 --- Dan

Carguy4sp --- Rodney

Carolina_Mountain_Mustangs --- David

cazsper --- Mike

Chopper --- Rich

cigarguy --- Todd

Cleveland Coupe --- Jay

Cobra2572 --- Dave

Coilwire --- Jim

computercarguy --- Rod

Countryboy93 --- Kevin

coupe351w --- Dean

cudak888 --- Kurt

dabowman --- Don

Daddyoh1972 --- Christine

dbye --- Dave

delawarebill --- bill

dexleo2 --- Travis

dhfawcett --- David

dhvidston --- Doug

digithead --- John

DK73 --- Lars

Don C --- Don

Doug The Dog --- Travis

Duck --- Klaus

EBSTANG --- Eric

eddyw --- Eddy

ejnonamaker --- Eric

Elizabeth73 --- Elizabeth

Fastbackjon --- Jon

fiamma --- Peter

Flatback72 --- Brett

fowl998 --- Craig

Gayle Force --- Mike

gohan14d1 --- Colby

glbecks --- Greg

Go Time --- Dennis

Gold Rush --- Rick

gpierce --- Greg

Grande-Bavaria --- Gunther

GravY --- Alex

greekstile --- Jason

Green 73 --- Derrick

gsmaggot --- George

Handmandan --- Dan

Harbernjero --- Claus

High Octane --- Ernie

Hightower --- Claus

hollenjoe --- Joe

JagDaniels --- Daniel

Jbojo --- John

JD79 --- Jeroen

Jeff73Mach1 --- Jeff

jeff8877 --- Jeff

jeremycfr --- Jeremy

JHawk635 --- John or Hawk or Hawks

Jim and Jutta --- Jim

jimbo --- Jim

joe59287 --- Joe

John J --- John

jpaz --- John

jsbcats --- Wes

Judge --- Mark

Kellogg --- Gavin

kidwithfastback=fast --- Kole

LCB1 --- Larry

Lduke12 --- Lee

Lekrut --- Lance

Lola 73 --- Lori

Luke --- Luke

Mac --- Mac

mach1daddy --- Henrik

Mach71351c --- Mike

machmeter1 --- Wolfgang

Mark73Mach1 --- Mark

Manu64 --- Emmanuel or Manuel or Manu.

manyo --- Manny

Mexican --- Lupe Ibarra

MeZapU --- Mike

MG42 --- Ed

mickus --- Mickus

midlife --- Randy

Mike429cj --- Mike

Mikes73 --- Mike

Mixedmuscle --- Gerry

mongos73cobrajet --- Richard

MotoArts --- Pete

mpbsr --- Mark

mrmach1 --- Frank

mtburger --- Mike

mustang68 --- Larry

mustang7173 --- David

Mustang Dynasty --- Mikke

Mustangfeverrr --- Daniel

Mustang Jacky --- Jacky

Musti --- Juergen

MY351C --- Mike

nailpounder --- Norm

nbracken --- Nigel

Nelsonlucero --- Nelson

NewAgeMuscle --- Adam

nickstewartroc --- Nick

NOT A T5 --- Terry

Not perfect --- Bob

not2old --- Alan

Ogoz23 --- Ozzie

Omie01 --- Omar

PADave --- Dave

Pastel Blue --- Ken

Paul4425 --- Paul

Pegleg --- Steve

pony ride --- Paul

ponypastor --- Tim

protouringstang73 --- Daniel

RacerX --- Curtis

rackerm --- Rich

red73 --- Bill

red73mustang --- Chet

Remington --- Patrick

rio1856 --- Mario

ripley --- Jeff

roadwarrior --- Tom

rocket366 --- Paul

rocro --- Ron

Rozz --- Tim

rpmcarter --- Dan

rtb713 --- Rick

rvrtrash --- Steve

Sadittyf --- Shane

scarpent1 --- Scott

scgamecock --- Wade

ScooterDog --- Don

sdstang --- Jim

Secluff --- Steve

Sequel88 --- Trent

shane351c --- Shane

Sharky --- Jon

Sharky1977 --- Mark

Shelby71 --- Edwin

shgrrttn --- Ritchie

spain72mustang --- Ron

Spechti --- Michael

stanger --- Shannon

Stanglover --- Geoff

Steve73QMach1 --- Steve

Steve@CJPonyParts --- Steve

svaasand --- Lars

Sydneydrumdr --- Dave

T-K --- Torgeir

T-Tom --- Tommy

Tegemus --- Barry

tempestairbrush --- Rick

Terlingula_RS --- Rick

The Frameman --- Robby and Junko

The General --- Eric

TheRktmn --- Bob

Thin Lizzy --- Mark

timachone --- Tim

timsweet --- Tim

toastintx --- Johnny

TommyK --- Tom

Totalled --- Pat

Towson85 --- Pat

Tubo --- Corky

Turtle5353 --- Kevin

TxBoss23 --- Joel

vamach1 --- Rex

Vicus --- Frank

vintageman --- Tom

walterm --- Mark

waterlife --- Alex

whitesoc --- Ken

whitestripemustang --- Andreas

Wide-body71 --- Angelo

Wildchild250 --- Rachel

will e --- Mike

wjgrnp --- Ward

wpdj61 --- Scott

Wolverine --- James

woolznaz --- Mike

Wootdog --- Kerry

Zacks72 --- Rick
So, what ya gotta do to get your name on the list? Machattack -----Rod
Member first names:
1971Mach1MCODE --- Marcel
1971Ragtop --- Paul
1973grandeklar --- Les
1973_Mustang_Conv --- Ed
1bad71 --- Don
1DCstang --- Steve
1-Mach-1 --- Jay
71BossPrototype --- Andy
71Coop - Jim
71Mach1Lady --- Karlene and Steve
71_ resurrection --- Nik
71mach351 --- Rick
71ponymaster --- Steve
72ConvertibleBuild --- Jim
72MustangSprint --- Joe
72 R Code --- Fred
73429mach --- Ryan
73' mach 1 --- Chris
73mach1 --- Jay
73MustangCoupe --- Ron
73pony --- Jason
73StangCoupe --- Pete
73Vert302 --- Jim
92GTS-R --- Mark
Adrian Clements --- Adrian
Alpineblue --- Keith
Amer Salhi --- Amer
Aaron_1973 --- Aaron
antipasti --- Andreas
aphaynes --- Alex
autocad --- John
Autoedit --- Jason
Beenie --- Vincent
BeerDontCount --- Scott
Bentworker --- Peter
Big dog --- Perrie
bigfoot72 --- Zak
Bill73Ragtop --- Bill
Biskit73 --- Chad
bkdunha --- Brian
Blkmach --- Casey
blkulis --- Brian
Blmeis --- Brian
Blorpcandy --- Tyler
Bob429 --- Bob
bobmarlojill --- Bob J
BOSS351 --- John
Boss 351 --- Wade
boss351cj --- Dave
Brad_P --- Brad
BrewSTL --- Cody
Bru --- Don
Butch65 --- Butch
Canted 393 --- Dan
Carguy4sp --- Rodney
Carolina_Mountain_Mustangs --- David
cazsper --- Mike
Chopper --- Rich
cigarguy --- Todd
cwalker509 --- Chris
Cleveland Coupe --- Jay
Cobra2572 --- Dave
Coilwire --- Jim
computercarguy --- Rod
Countryboy93 --- Kevin
coupe351w --- Dean
cudak888 --- Kurt
dabowman --- Don
Daddyoh1972 --- Christine
dbye --- Dave
Dednik --- Andre
delawarebill --- bill
dexleo2 --- Travis
dhfawcett --- David
dhvidston --- Doug
digithead --- John
DK73 --- Lars
Don C --- Don
Doug The Dog --- Travis
Droptop73 ---Jeff
Duck --- Klaus
EBSTANG --- Eric
eddyw --- Eddy
ejnonamaker --- Eric
Elizabeth73 --- Elizabeth
Fastbackjon --- Jon
fiamma --- Peter
Flatback72 --- Brett
fowl998 --- Craig
Gayle Force --- Mike
gohan14d1 --- Colby
glbecks --- Greg
Go Time --- Dennis
Gold Rush --- Rick
gpierce --- Greg
Grande-Bavaria --- Gunther
GravY --- Alex
greekstile --- Jason
Green 73 --- Derrick
gsmaggot --- George
Handmandan --- Dan
Harbernjero --- Claus
High Octane --- Ernie
Hightower --- Claus
Hileanor- Mitchell
hollenjoe --- Joe
Idaho Chris --- Chris
JagDaniels --- Daniel
Jbojo --- John
JD79 --- Jeroen
Jeff73Mach1 --- Jeff
jeff8877 --- Jeff
jeremycfr --- Jeremy
JHawk635 --- John or Hawk or Hawks
Jim and Jutta --- Jim
jimbo --- Jim
joe59287 --- Joe
John J --- John
jpaz --- John
jsbcats --- Wes
Judge --- Mark
Kellogg --- Gavin
kidwithfastback=fast --- Kole
Kilgon --- Steve
Lazarus --- Mike
LCB1 --- Larry
Lduke12 --- Lee
Lekrut --- Lance
Lola 73 --- Lori
Luke --- Luke
Mac --- Mac
mach1daddy --- Henrik
Mach71351c --- Mike
Machattack -----Rod
machmeter1 --- Wolfgang
Mark73Mach1 --- Mark
Manu64 --- Emmanuel or Manuel or Manu.
manyo --- Manny
Mexican --- Lupe Ibarra
MeZapU --- Mike
MG42 --- Ed
mickus --- Mickus
midlife --- Randy
mjseakan --- Mike
Mike429cj --- Mike
Mikes73 --- Mike
Mixedmuscle --- Gerry
mongos73cobrajet --- Richard
MooseStang --- Darrel
MotoArts --- Pete
mpbsr --- Mark
mrmach1 --- Frank
mtburger --- Mike
mustang68 --- Larry
mustang7173 --- David
Mustangdude --- Daryl
Mustang Dynasty --- Mikke
Mustangfeverrr --- Daniel
MustangSally44 --- Dana and Tracey
Mustang Jacky --- Jacky
Musti --- Juergen
MY351C --- Mike
nailpounder --- Norm
nbracken --- Nigel
Nelsonlucero --- Nelson
NewAgeMuscle --- Adam
nickstewartroc --- Nick
NOT A T5 --- Terry
Not perfect --- Bob
not2old --- Alan
Ogoz23 --- Ozzie
Ole Pony --- Mike
Omie01 --- Omar
PADave --- Dave
Pastel Blue --- Ken
Paul4425 --- Paul
Pegleg --- Steve
pony ride --- Paul
ponypastor --- Tim
protouringstang73 --- Daniel
RacerX --- Curtis
rackerm --- Rich
red73 --- Bill
red73mustang --- Chet
Remington --- Patrick
rio1856 --- Mario
ripley --- Jeff
roadwarrior --- Tom
rocket366 --- Paul
rocro --- Ron
Rozz --- Tim
rpmcarter --- Dan
rtb713 --- Rick
rvrtrash --- Steve
Sadittyf --- Shane
scarpent1 --- Scott
scgamecock --- Wade
ScooterDog --- Don
sdstang --- Jim
Secluff --- Steve
Sequel88 --- Trent
shane351c --- Shane
Sharky --- Jon
Sharky1977 --- Mark
Shelby71 --- Edwin
shgrrttn --- Ritchie
spain72mustang --- Ron
Spechti --- Michael
stanger --- Shannon
Stanglover --- Geoff
Steve73QMach1 --- Steve
Steve@CJPonyParts --- Steve
svaasand --- Lars
Sydneydrumdr --- Dave
T-K --- Torgeir
T-Tom --- Tommy
Tegemus --- Barry
tempestairbrush --- Rick
Terlingula_RS --- Rick
The Frameman --- Robby and Junko
The General --- Eric
TheRktmn --- Bob
Thin Lizzy --- Mark
timachone --- Tim
timsweet --- Tim
toastintx --- Johnny
TommyK --- Tom
Totalled --- Pat
Towson85 --- Pat
Tubo --- Corky
Turtle5353 --- Kevin
TxBoss23 --- Joel
vamach1 --- Rex
Vicus --- Frank
vintageman --- Tom
walterm --- Mark
waterlife --- Alex
whitesoc --- Ken
whitestripemustang --- Andreas
Wide-body71 --- Angelo
Wildchild250 --- Rachel
will e --- Mike
wjgrnp --- Ward
wpdj61 --- Scott
Wolverine --- James
woolznaz --- Mike
Wootdog --- Kerry
Zacks72 --- Rick
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