Rebuilding and "building a stroker" , that will turn into OH and I need a 3G upgrade, alum waterpump , can you run in on a stand / I'll get the MSD/Distributor and carb to you two different things !
I guess I left a lot out when posting. I've been slowly putting together pieces for this car over the years. I haven't fully decided if I'm going to stroke the motor or just do some kind of performance rebuild. I currently have FPA Headers, blue thunder intake, quickfuel 750 slayer, TKO 600, larger rad with electric fans, still need to upgrade alt to 3G and all new suspension. All A-arms and control arms are stock replacements. The springs are eaton (factory w/ac weight) with 1"lower. The shocks are blis sport front and back with TPC 4.5 mid eye leaf springs.
1) you will find out (in talking) who will talk about the "pieces you are giving him" (open chamber/smog intake (?) and what you need on a stock vs a stroker for fuel.
I'm not building a race car but more of a street machine. I understand that I still need all the pieces to come together correctly. Still might just use my stock 4V open heads but get them cleaned up.
2) If you are moving , does that mean YOU DON'T have space/time or just knowledge to build yourself? Also what does this mean, "I'm not interested in paying a higher price because I have to go through that shop to have said guy build the engine."
I have the space but neither the time or know how to rebuild myself. I'm more interested in finding the right machine shop that knows what they are doing and is going to do what they say. I'd prefer to use a place that has a dyno to break the motor in on.
The not being interested in paying a higher price deal is if I wanted to use this engine builder I'd have to do it through this specific shop (almost like a 3rd party deal) and it would cost me more to do that vs just going to the builder directly. Problem is this build works specifically for said shop.
All I can say is USE CARE and "vet these people" with discussions with satisfied SEEN invoices/builds !! A "well known" HIGHLY promoted shop in MI "proved to be incompetent" with a recent AMC build for a friend. He WAS TOLD , may not want to use wrenchworks BUT HE did and engine out three times, OTHERS found the problem (actually problems) !!
Good luck and consider guys that do clevelands all the time, Tommy/Jimmy H. etc etc (they are pretty close) Hell I drove a motor to CA once "because that was the guy to do it"
P.S. I grew up in Mont Co , lived in Telford/Lansdale etc etc BUT have no shop suggestions. I use 3 machine shops here in MI , depending on if a Cleveland, FE or Turbo motor - then assemble in the winter. (cars in summer/motors in winter)
I know from talking to enough people that there are shops that know engines and there are shops that know Cleveland's.
I thought I had a good shop picked out but the guy just doesn't seem to want to get back to me with a quote. I spoke to him twice and he said he was going to send it the next day...2 days later I still don't have it. This is not the kind of guy I want to do business with. So I figured I'd come here and see who builds a good Cleveland and how far are they from me?