Wife's Mach1


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Will power...

New Dark Horse mustang ordered the 27th of March and to this point, nothing from Ford.
Update: Visited shop yesterday, wife's car warm and cozy, untouched inside. "paint shop prison" in full affect, dude now says spring. Just don't really know what year....
Update: Visited shop yesterday, wife's car warm and cozy, untouched inside. "paint shop prison" in full affect, dude now says spring. Just don't really know what year....
Visited the paint shop again today, and you guessed it - unchanged. Said to be working on it in February...
Visited the paint shop again today, and you guessed it - unchanged. Said to be working on it in February...
Sorry to hear that, all too often shops use complete paint jobs as filler cars between the collision work that they rely on to cover the overhead. Many body shops have been so swamped for the last couple years it is hard to get to the filler cars. My friend that runs a body shop that is always booked at least a month out. He needs a couple more body men and another painter to catch up but can't find anyone to hire. He has been offering his guys double pay for overtime to keep up with the work load as best as they can. He really enjoys working on the older cars but says it's hard to get them done around the "production work".
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PppppFFFftttt….🙄. On the brighter side, how’s the DarkHorse??
Being delivered within a couple weeks. Found one 1,000 miles away just signed papers tonight.

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