Based on my own personal experience, i went for the Wheel Vintiques 54 Series Magnum 500 rims. (see my link below)
These rims fit the bill for me and i would give them the thumbs up. The chrome finish on them is not premium, but satisfactory. I have had one or two minor issues with the finish over the years, but that was to do with how the metal was finished off prior to the chroming process. They exchanged those rims without any fuss. My chrome has lasted well over a 10 year period so far. I do take care of my chrome wheels by using a house barrel style duster to dry rub them down after every ride. This ensures that any dry dirt or brake lining dust is kept off the chrome surface, which contributes to the chome finish breaking down. I also regular wax the rims. Chrome loves wax to keep it in good condition from premature aging/ rusting.
Regards other brands - it's a try and see situation for people out there. I can't speak from experience here, as i have never ventured away from the Wheel Vintiques brand. The general rule of thumb is the cheaper the rim, the cheaper the chrome finish and overall quality.
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