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7173 Mustang Supporter Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Does anyone have any advice on how to upload a video to youtube in a reasonable time. That little 30 some second one we got posted took an hour. Hate to see the ten minute one. The car may be on the road before it uploads:mad:

Does anyone have any advice on how to upload a video to youtube in a reasonable time. That little 30 some second one we got posted took an hour. Hate to see the ten minute one. The car may be on the road before it uploads:mad:
LOL! My advice to you is eat, shower, wash the dogs, vacuum the car, talk to Dan Williams while you upload videos on youtube :) sorry bud! no ways around it

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What are you running? Dial up, DSL or Cable?

I can upload videos pretty quick with my cable connection.

Does anyone have any advice on how to upload a video to youtube in a reasonable time. That little 30 some second one we got posted took an hour. Hate to see the ten minute one. The car may be on the road before it uploads:mad:
Tn...Get a flip... it's what i use for all my vids..You can upload right from flip software to you tube..seems to be faster I don't upload anymore direct to u-tube..Best time to upload is very early in the morning or early afternoon..
