Finally got the Cardone Dizzy recurved and installed. It seems to be a quality rebuild. I still wasn't happy with the fit of the new rotor on the rebuilt dizzy reluctor plate so I ended up using the old distributors' reluctor plate and rotor. The old rotor contact also sticks out about an 1/8" further than the new rotors. Still haven't figured out if I am looking at wrong parts or if manufacturing just changed over time and I am basing my observations on old parts. The old plate is the one on the left without the chamfering.

I had the 16L side welded up then ground down to .410" which makes is a 10L. I ended up using one medium spring from the old distributor and one Mr Gasket 925D spring. I would like to get the dizzy checked at some point to see where the numbers actually stand. My car doesn't have a tach and I am working on it by myself so I have no way to tell the RPMS but my best guess is the timing is all in somewhere around 3000 RPMS. Initial timing set at 15 degrees and total at 35. I may play with that a little more. I moved my vacuum advance to the ported side of the carb.

So I went to put everything back together and I about lost my gdamn mind. I still cant figure out what happened so maybe yall can shed some light. The magnetic pick up spun smooth and the snap ring came off with ease on disassembly but when I went to reinstall the magnetic pickup back over the breaker plate, the snap ring would no longer fit in the slot. I cleaned off all the grease and tried to make sense of it for about a half hour (trying every combination of old and new parts) before I resorted to milling down the top of the magnetic pickup to make room for the snap ring. There are literally no moving parts and nothing was interfering with the fit. I am baffled. Once I ground it down, it fit and worked fine. I don't know, maybe I just ruined it..

Last question: are these cam gears different materials? The black one is the Cardone rebuilt and I am decently certain I have a stock cam in my engine.

Funny story to wrap this thread up. I took the Mach 1 to the local Hot Rod shop to talk about some work I was interested in and we start talking about everything I just did with the distributor to make it fit under the Ram Air assembly. He chuckled and told me that one time a guy came in with a unmolested Boss 302 with Ram Air and demanded he install an MSD for him. After he installed it, he informed the customer that it didn't fit under the Ram Air. The customer told him to make it fit and that he didn't care what he did so hot rod guy cut a piece of the air cleaner out for clearance, spun it around and welded it back in. Customer was happy.
And in my personal saga: my Ram Air assembly is very beat up and no longer seals around the carb; so I am not even using it at the moment.