Yesterday, the center section arrived. I opened it up and inspected it last night but did not have any time to work on it. I am hoping today to get it painted so it will be cured enough to install it tomorrow.
I painted the center section this afternoon and will let it cure for a day or two. It is a satin clear so it should dull down after it cures fully.
My 23-year-old son, the body builder, said he is available tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning to lift that bad boy into place for me. I have lifted a few 9-inch center sections into place when I was younger but that is what the young guys are best at, haha.
I also got my axles back with the new bearings pressed on, so I am ready to put a bit of gear lube on the new seals and slide them in after the center section is installed. Hopefully it will be back on all four tires by Saturday afternoon and tucked away back in the corner of the garage for its long winter nap.
I was able to assemble the rear differential today and get her back on all four tires and tucked back into her corner of the garage.
The next project will be reupholstering the seats, but that won't be for a couple months. A few weeks ago when I ordered the comfort weave, SMS told me that it would be a minimum of 10 weeks before they ship the comfort weave that I purchased from them to TMI. TMI told me it would take 6-8 weeks to make and ship me the seat covers. Kind of funny how it takes 2-4 weeks longer to walk to a shelf and cut two yards of fabric off of a roll and place it into an envelope than it takes to sew together a full set of seat covers and ship them, oh well it is what it is. So, once I know the seat covers are about to be shipped, I will remove the seats and start tearing them down and media blast and paint the frames. Hopefully, I can time it right to where the frames are ready for foam and upholstery about the same time that all shows up.
Here are a couple pics of my new center section with a limited slip and 3.25:1 gears.
I also bought new hardware from NPD just to make it look pretty, haha.