Happy 54th Birthday to my 1971 Mach 1!
Its production date was 2/2/1971, 54 years ago today!
My wife and I are planning to take it out for a joy ride this afternoon. With the unseasonably warm weather here in Chicago and the rain on Thursday and Friday the road salt got washed away. The streets are clean and dry right now and it is 47 degrees today, not bad for February in Chicago.
I took the car for a road test yesterday to make sure the recently installed rear differential was nice and quiet and there were no leaks or issues. The test drive went well, and it was clean and dry underneath after I returned, so I am now confident to take it for a longer joy ride with my wife today.
It has come a long way since I bought it and since each of its last birthdays during the restoration process.
This is how it looked when I bought it in November 2021 at the ripe old age of 50.
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This is the car on its 51st birthday 2/2/2022
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This is how it looked on its 52nd birthday 2/2/2023
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This is how it looked on its 53rd birthday 2/2/2024
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This is how it looks on its 54th birthday today 2/2/2025
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It will be nice to drive it around some and get some more miles on it before Wednesday when winter returns to Chicago, the weather app is forecasting temperatures to drop and snow on Wednesday.