1972 Q code convertible one of 330 build starts.


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The PO of this project for sure had the drivers door screwed up. He welded up the holes for the protection package strips and he I guess warped it in every direction. The bottom of the door is a mess. I have been removing filler he put in and trying to get the body lines back straight. I can only do 3 to 4 hours of sanding and then my neck shuts me down. Getting the body line right is difficult have been doing a lot of what we called scaling. I take a one foot long precision scale and place on the panel and shine light below it. Shows where the low spots are. Yes you can feel them this just shows you exactly where you need to sand. Been using a ground steel rod to get the radius straight under the body line. Once you get to within about .003" than spray the last primer and do last block sand. I should have been done days ago but this darn neck is going to shut me down for sure.
I am also checking out the window, it is bear season but they did lots of tree work on natural gas pipeline 50 yards from shop so nothing moving.

I sat beside the car today for several hours watching for deer out the window. First day of rifle season. I did pass on one 4 point at about 5:00 this afternoon. Will see what shows up tomorrow.
While there I think I have made the decision to replace the drivers door. Been struggling to get it right. Evidently it had been hit. I have never got to the bottom of the filler with 90% of the door fitting and spotted in. The bottom back corner is out by about 1/4" but when i put long straight edge on it looks good but I cut a template from my original car it is way off. All twisted and out of whack.
Does anyone have a good solid drivers door I do not need any of the guts or the hinges just the door. Will have to send to dip strip so sooner I can get the better.
If you have something I am in western N.C. 28791 send PM with pics, location and price. Cheers.

Well I dropped the hammer on another 8 point not as big as last one but will be hanging in a few. My rifle has not been checked on bench in over 10 years. It has also been to Africa and back since last sighted. I was using my .300 Win. Short Mag. Model 70 New Haven built Winchester. I have a special way I mount the scope mounts and the scope stays put. Of course the barrel is bedded in the composite stock. Then I bed the scope mounts to the barrel with epoxy and glass beads mixed in and then lap the scope rings in alignment. So there is zero distortion of the scope when mounted and mounts never move.
I seem to recall the rifle being zero at 300 yards so the impact at this 100 yard shot was low through the brisket. It ran so I left the work room and walked so I could see where it ran. Spotted it down near creek and leaned on tree and took another shot and it went down. I had to roll it about 1/4 mile back to shop so was tired. I am headed down to hand, gut and skin. Scope got me I was too close. I do not shoot much anymore so was too close.
So on the 30th. is doe day and I can take three in one day so will be donating to homeless shelter for food. Way too many deer here. My neighbor showed me his latest visit by bear on Tuesday. I never see it. Tears his bird feeders down.





Man....... I wanna go hunting there!  Out here thats a 4 point :)  peculiar how the point count changes across the Mississippi river.  Put that sucker on dry ice and ship it to me  :thumb:


Very nice build David. Maybe this will bring you out of hiding. I miss your post, and I hope you are okay. I wonder if you ever finished your car. I have a love for the Gold Glow cars too (that was actually a special order paint color in 1972 at an extra cost of $34.90!!!!!), but I already have two 1973 Gold Glow Q code 4 speed convertibles (one with black interior, the other with ginger), so I chose to redo my 1972 Q code Gold Glow convertible in my favorite 1972 color, Bight Lime. Here is the Eminger on the car. Power windows, Tach and Gauges, Tilt, Decor Group, 8 track tape, and get this, 15 x 8" factory wheels with sport wheel covers!! I have been saving a set of NOS 15" sport wheel covers for this car for 20 years! The car sold new in 1972 for $4,166.14 with discounts. Definitely one of the most expensive Mustangs sold new in 1972.


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