71 Boss for sale


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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2020
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My Car
1972 351CJ MACh1
Pretty, but I don’t understand it being worth that value.

In the write up they say they went from the original pewter to this color, they reduced compression from 11.7 to 9.4 or so, and they changed the rear end out from the 3:91.  Additionally, the front chassis paint is incorrect.

Also stated that the block and the differential were not numbers matching, has a different carb, and that it comes with the original exhaust manifolds, meaning it’s probably got headers.

So don’t think I am dissing the seller for not being original, as my car is far from original.  I just think the pricing is way off.  1, you can tell Hagerty what ever you want to insure the car for,  so an Hagerty value of 109,000 is way high.  He is asking $89,xxx or so.

So in my opinion, this is almost a restomod versus a concourse.  I think he would be hard pressed to get $50k for it.  If all the original parts came with it, I might consider $50k.  But this does not have the right elements for collector originality.


I bought my Boss 351 for $38,000 about 5 years ago.  Mine is not concourse, but a very nice car.  So guessing he is a little high on the pricing as you guys stated because of the non originality.  But what a great car to drive and enjoy if you can get it at a reasonable price. 

71 Boss 351.jpg

71 Boss 351a.jpg

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71 Boss 351e.jpg

71 Boss351d.jpg

Gotta love that boss finish. For me it’s all about that flat black hood.

just FYI I know everyone is a stickler for details on that is site so it probably hasn’t passed you by but that’s 70k USD asking price. That’s today’s exchange rate but banks charge more to convert. So likely 71-72k I’d guess..... plus Tax 😉

Im thinking these are Canadian $$... so about $62k US$ at current exchange rate, before negotiations... The main issues for me would be the non numbers matching block, missing carb and the paint colour change. The last two can be corrected at considerable expense. This would have to be factored into the final purchase price. The missing block... It’s a nice car, rare here in Canada. It’s not one that I would pursue here at home at that price.

It looks better done than most just not to original specs. Numbers not matching hurts big time. If it won first place at that show must be pretty good job.
To do a car ground up right now will cost you six figures pretty much any car. Labor costs and parts prices are crazy. Gone are the good old days.

In reference to placement in car show, I've never put much credence to those claims unless its a national level MCA or similar venue (AACA).  If MCA, the judging sheets are the thing to have.

I also agree very highly priced for so many missing original B351 components.  IMO, mid $30's US would be starting point for this one.

Anyone from the US wanting to inspect personally would probably have to wait 6 months or more in these Covid times.  It would be a looong drive for sure!


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