Aluminum trim restoration / anodizing services?

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Jan 17, 2015
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My Car
71' Grande project.
Anyone have a trim restoration service they have had good luck with?

I need to get a pile of trim for my Grande refurbished.

At this point I don’t know if I want bright clear anodize or black.
May you do not find a dedicated trim restoration place, which is a really niched bizz. You could consider 2 different addresses. Classic chroming/plating shops have a great experience in polishing and dents/scratches fixes. Polishing the trim being the key for a nice result. It is also where the costs are.
And there are shops dedicated to anodizing aluminium for the industry. Try call local bicycle makers or similar, they usually use these treatments on frames and wheels and they could surely provide you some address to go to.
Like this one but near you:

And there is also a much cheapo way to restore them before bring them to such company: use elbow oil and a polishing machine.
I bought a 2 wheels machine similar to this one.
I did my 73 trims and you get a mirror finish in no time with one of these. The most work is actually to rough sand the original plastic coating (used grid 80/120 3M dry paper to do this) , remove/flatten the scratches that mine were having and gradually bring the surface back (I used 600 wet for that), then you can polish. Only needs a clear coat after that.
Know that if you go that way, that the sanding is a pretty tedious step by hand and I know that for my 71, I will look at band sanding machines for that part.
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I believe King Of Trim, used to be called Ano-Brite. If so, it can be pricey, however, they do really show quality work. I had them do all of the interior trim for a '63 Sport Thunderbird that I restored years ago years ago ( believe me, there was a lot ), for a man I worked for, and the car took Best of Show, as well as best Trailered ( not driven ). You can bet their work was perfect. I've seen them restore an old Falcon grille and a Mopar grille, from bent barely useable scrap, to show perfect and brilliant. Totally impressed with the work.
I removed the origin coating with oven cleaner, tapped out any dents and began sanding and polishing. Very time consuming but well worth the effort. I did not anodize the aluminum but clean it and wax it. It has kept well for many years
+1 on what born2cruze said. I did mine 12 years ago and it still looks good. Chuck
Ok, I fooled with some oven cleaner and a spare piece of trim. I am not sold on the process of stripping the old anodization. Would be better to do in the winter, not in the summer when it is hot and I am flicking oven cleaner on my arms. I could see it taking me a few weekends to get everything polished and straight. Then I have polished bare trim when I actually want anodized with paint.

Anyone have experience with an outfit besides King Of Trim?
I did all my 71 trim.
It takes 2-3 strippings from the ORiginal easy off cleaner. Cant use the new stuff. I got mine at Rite aid ( I know seemed wierd they would have it. Then start with 220 grit and work your way to 800 or finer. Go to harbour freight and buy there buffer and compounds they work good. The aluminum will polish out to a mirror finish. Coat with real clear lacquer spray. You'll be impressed and it can be done for under $300.00
Get good at it and all the members on here will have you do theres :)

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