Austin Vert Invents a Footrest for '71-'73 Mustangs.

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I found the printout from the VW parts catalog. Here you can clearly see that the driver side footrest on left hand drive cars (3) is much wider and has a different surface structure than the part we bought (4).
Interesting. I wonder if the part marked "3" would work as well. I like the idea of being wider but it may interfere with the e-brake.

1971 M-code Mach 1

I found the printout from the VW parts catalog. Here you can clearly see that the driver side footrest on left hand drive cars (3) is much wider and has a different surface structure than the part we bought (4).
Interesting. I wonder if the part marked "3" would work as well. I like the idea of being wider but it may interfere with the e-brake.

1971 M-code Mach 1
Hi Tony,

I would definately use, and go with my part only. It fits and works perfectly. If you were to choose a footrest any wider, it would protrude too far into the foot well area and start causing conflicting space issues with the foot pedals. It would look stupid and out of place as well. You will find that my pedal provides all the support and comfort for your left leg that you will need.

BTW - I was driving around town yesterday in my '73 Vert, and found the footrest worked wonderfully,and was very comfortable. It does make a big difference to your driver comfort for sure.

So to all forum members, if you order this part and quote the part number, you won't go wrong.::thumb::

PART NUMBER. VW - 2H0864420A71N



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I just wish it were black...

If painted black i wonder how and what to use so it doesn't chip. I am sure it can be done.

1971 M-code Mach 1
Hey Tony,

As i mentioned in my first post, you can paint this plastic part if you want to. The best, most durable, long lasting paint to use would be a 2 Pack black enamel that has some flattening base mixed in to it, so it turns out a low sheen, satin finish. So, you would first scuff down the raw plastic surface with 800wet and dry paper, then apply one or two light coats of clear plastic primer. Then apply two light coats of the 2Pack satin black.

I should mention again, that glueing a thin profile, light bodied car carpet to the footrest would be a better, more durable, longer lasting way to go about the whole thing than using any paint at all., as any paint will eventually tend to wear off with ongoing usage. Your local trim shop should be able to do that job for a very cheap price i would think, if you feel you haven't got the skills as such.

Again, i say that i'm very happy with the look of the dark grey color of the footrest in the Vert. It does not look like a cheap add on, or out of place at all in my opinion. But, at the end of the day, i'ts what you want to do that matters.



Nice mod Greg. Thanks for the pics too. Makes it much easier to follow.


Hi Scott,

Thank you Sir, i'm glad you like my idea. Do give my project a go, you won't regret it and you will drive a lot more comfortably i'm certain.::thumb::



Thanks... i definitively will give it a try. I like the idea of gluing some carpet to it. Since i am replacing my old carpet i should have pieces left over.

1971 M-code Mach 1
All good Tony,

Just remember, the carpet should be a thin profile, so it can follow the sharp contours of the plastic footrest mouding. Thick, normal carpet won't work well at all for this procedure.


I wonder if one could just glue carpet to the top where your foot will be and just paint the sides black. That way it shouldn't wear off too much.

Let's see...
Yes Mike,

That would be a viable option if you wanted to go that way.

The pic below doesn't do the finished look much justice, because the flash going off has punched out and washed the true colours of the interior.

However, it is interesting to note that even though the flash effect has spoilt the pic, you will notice that there are many different shades of black around the

foot well area and the dash area itself. When you look into my interior in a typical daylight situation, the footrest looks great, and blends in beautifully with the rest of the interior and varying interior colours.

So this look will suit me fine, and works OK for me.

015 (2).JPG


Yeah, that's always the problem with pictures. It's really hard to capture the exact colors.

I have a guitar that is finished translucent dark green (think wine bottle) but it always shows blue on pictures. Always, no matter what the light source is, flash or no flash.

I see what you mean.

The other problem is that we talk about the footrest, so we focus on it when we look at a picture. Now if you were to casually look into the car you'd probably not even see it at all, if nobody pointed it out.

Someone recently shared this company in a thread I had started a month ago about pedals,

Here is a link to the pedal options: . If you look at the footrest flanges they are just plates. It may be possible to attach one of these perforated plates to the top of your VW footrest. This way you can hide the rivets, with a "sporty" look. Since most of the wear would be seen by the plate, the sides can then be painted black. I am thinking of going for a look like this with matching pedals. I don't know how will it look w/o the pedals. Maybe using a generic perforated black plate may do the job as well and may look a little more classic... and much cheaper.

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Someone recently shared this company in a thread I had started a month ago about pedals,

Here is a link to the pedal options: . If you look at the footrest flanges they are just plates. It may be possible to attach one of these perforated plates to the top of your VW footrest. This way you can hide the rivets, with a "sporty" look. Since most of the wear would be seen by the plate, the sides can then be painted black. I am thinking of going for a look like this with matching pedals. I don't know how will it look w/o the pedals. Maybe using a generic perforated black plate may do the job as well and may look a little more classic... and much cheaper.

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the suggestions and links for the pedals. Interesting indeed.

I can see that you are looking at and exploring options to customize and dress up the footrest concept to improve the overall look of it, and as well, make it blend in more with the original look of the pedal setups. Good ideas for sure. I see no reason why you couldn't go down that road, and invent dress up solutions to what i've got with my invention.

I was originally thinking along those lines myself at first. I was at first, pondering on what choice of materials to use in fabricating a footrest up. Solid timber shaped, metal shaped - but why i fell in love with the VW plastic part, was it ticked all the boxes for me to arrive at a working, cost effective and good looking, practical solution.

It would seem that most, if not all footrests made today are out of plastic, and pre-designed and shaped to suit each particular car and model. I was fortunate that this Amarok footrest fitted the contours of our 123 Mustangs so well. But yes, dress up my footrest anyway you see fit to chase the look that will suit you.

Hi Butch,

Thanks for your kind feedback, I'm very happy with the way this project has come together and worked out for me for sure.

Thanks guys,



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