bone head of the day

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7173 Mustang Supporter Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Well folks I have this one wrapped up:mad: I had my valve covers off Sunday morning just to take a look around. Sounded a little loud. So removed and reinstalled. Got a call about visiting the hospital with my mom to visit a friend I have known all my life just about. She was in her 70's now and actually passed last night. So anyways when I was seeing if mom was ready, my buddy's wife beeps in, tell mom to hold on may not have to go. But instead she told me my buddies Dad had passed away that morning (Sunday), so off to his house I went. Stayed with them most of the day. Then visited last night before the concert. But before we left decided to drive the Mustang today to work. Shut hood pins and was ready to go. Got to work smelled oil, did not give it much thought till after work when I saw 3 nice size spots under the car. Drove home still smelled oil but oil pressure never went below 60 psi, open the hood when I got in to see where it was coming from. Well I found it I had left the pcv valve out during all the excitement. OIL dripping from every nook and cranny on the car, hood, headers, etc................ pull pressure washer out and just went to town. now have to get to the funeral home but thought I would share the bone head of the day award

Roy, If that is the worst bone head (automotive) thing you ever do you'll be my hero. But then you did say the day's bone head. Sorry to hear about the two deaths. It's good of you to visit with the families. Chuck

Roy, If that is the worst bone head (automotive) thing you ever do you'll be my hero. But then you did say the day's bone head. Sorry to hear about the two deaths. It's good of you to visit with the families. Chuck
Thanks, the buddies dad who past away is probably my best friend. He is the one with the two killer 69 camaros and the other like I said I have known her since I was 12/13. Just caught up in all the activities and missed putting it back in its hole. But I know the heads are getting plenty of oil. On a positive note his dad was a Ford man, he would tell Carl when I would drive the Mustang over at least one of his friends had some brains:D Sorry no pics was to busy tying to get it some what clean before the funeral home




Sorry to hear about your friends, Roy.

Nice looking Camaros for sure.

Maybe Barry can design a bonehead badge - but there's not enough room by my avatar to post them all... :angel:

Take care my friend.

Give my sympathies to Carl.

I just had a similar experience with the PCV hose and oil leakage. Last Sunday night one of the guys from work and his 10 year old son dropped by to return a motorcycle jacket that I had loaned him. Our sidecar rig was sitting out as we had just returned from a ride. The boy was looking over the sidecar rig, then spotted the Mach 1 in the garage. I took him for a short sidecar ride and when we got back he went right back to the Mach 1. I offered to take him home, but hid dad said some other time. I could tell that he really liked the Mach 1 and my wife insisted that I take him home. On this ride I was kind of showing off a little and the boy was having a great time. At one point the engine popped back through the carb, probably due to a long overdue tune up. When I got the boy home his dad noticed a puddle of oil under the Mach 1. I popped the hood and saw the pcv hose had come off. I put it back on and drove home. It popped through the carb again going home and when I pulled in the garage oil was streaming out from what looked like the rear main seal. I opened the hood and the pcv hose was off again. I put it back on and began thinking about how I was going to fix it. I let it sit until today and after reading your post I was encouraged. I started the car up and let it run for about half an hour and no oil had come out. I think I will do the tune up and moniter the situation. It has had a small leak from the rear main seal for many years, but not enough to be concerned about. I really thank you for your post, Roy. It got me thinking. and hopefully saved he from a very big job. By the way, the next day at work my co-worker said that all his son could talk about that evening was Mustangs. He is bitten by the Mustang bug and wants one when he is old enough. He also wants it to have a manual transmission.


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First of all: Sorry for your loss.

But your story reminds me that time when I added some oil to my Toyota Starlet and forgot to put the oil cap back on. I drove the car the whole day, yes, like you smelled the oil but did not realize where the smell cam from until I popped the hood open and saw the mess.

So: Welcome to the club! :)

Funny sidenote: The cap, that I had placed on the cylinder head, got caught in between there and the hood and stayed there all the time. Dunno how it did not fall off at some point.

Its always good to learn from somebody elses mistakes:-/
I made a stupid mistake too today. Hopefully it won't bite me back.

You learn from your mistakes but hope to God the "learning" doesn't cost too much!

Sorry to hear about your friend Roy.

I bet you must have a sick feeling in your stomach when you walked out of work and saw oil under the car. At least it wasn't anything serious and was corrected by a little elbow grease.
