Carbon coming form tail pipe/Oil gets dark too quick

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Mar 14, 2017
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I own a 72 mustang. She's rockin a 351c. When I originally bought it was a bit of a Frankenstein. The owner before me decided to try and style it like a mach 1. But I love my mustang! Through the thick and the thin.
JOkay so I recently bought my mustang and I really fell in love with it! I changed the oil soon as I got it. Not more than 2 months of about 45miles a week and it looks like it needs to be changed again?? What's causing this? Also I noticed if I hold my hand behind the tail pipe. Carbon little specs soon spread across my hand. Is this normal or maybe linked to the oil issue?? Any help would be great!!

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i'm wondering how often the previous owner changed the oil ?? or even run it. it might have been used for very local trips and really needs to blown out.. put it on the turnpike and run it.

Agree with all of the above answers, also the tune could play a part in this too. As has been said check the plugs, maybe even change them and also check your leads and coil. Is the ignition points or electronic? Also carb mixtures maybe too rich. Does the the black sooty stuff blow out only when the engine is cold or all the time. So check the spark output, it should be a nice bright blue spark and not a dull orange/yellow colour, check the timing and your carb mixtures. As was said also, the previous owners servicing may have been slack and the oil rarely changed. What engine is this as well.

Not sure what you mean by the engine oil needs to be changed again.. With these older cars, the inside of the engine may have some oil caked up in the lifter valley or on top of the heads which a new oil may be cleaning out with time.. Just pull a valve cover off and inspect the top of the head for what we used to call "sludge". This will not harm the engine if it's being dissolved in the oil..

The black spitting out the tail pipe is normal also. The exhaust system is dirty inside and as moisture from the exhaust builds up it will be ejected out the tail pipe. Take the car out on the highway and run it for about 20 or 30 miles to burn off the moisture.. Test again for spitting if you feel it's necessary.. Each time the exhaust system cools down, moisture will collect in the mufflers until it is burned off again...

If the engine is running smoothly with no noises, and the oil pressure is normal, it would appear to be in fine shape.. Change the oil and filter again around 3,000 miles, or once a year.

Wow thanks for all the feedback! Im gonna check the plugs tonight. As for the car running rich. I noticed when I first started her up she ran great. But after she warmed up the idles got really rough and stalled at red lights. So i adjusted the carb and it was back to running like a champ again. Except now it smells rich. Next I'm gonna gonna check the timing.
